Is there an Anti-Earth behind the sun?

Is there an Anti-Earth behind the sun?A photo from open sources

Many people think our solar system is good investigated. “This is not so,” says Butusov, “in the interplanetary the space of our system may well be hiding a big secret. ” Although the ancient Egyptians, perhaps, there is no secret here spotted. “Most likely, just their opinion about the existence of doubles found their place in the cosmogony of the philosopher Philolaus, “- Butusov tells. Philolaus took the basis of the universe not ours planet, contrary to other sages, and the so-called central fire – Hestnu. Each of the planets, including ours, circled about of this fire, while the sun only served a mirror reflecting his glow. According to Philolaus, in orbit Earth, at the opposite point diametrically, behind Hestnaya was similar to our planet Anti-Earth, which is the world doubles of people! Let’s take a look at the theory of the presence of Anti-Earth with point of view of current science. What does the same astronomy tell us? Significant evidence of the presence of a large cosmic we have no body, however, this hypothesis cannot be refuted either. What size is the area at the opposite end of the orbit blocking the sun from human eyes? Truly considerable! Its width, if taken in attention to the solar corona, 10 times the diameter of the lunar orbit and at six hundred – our planet. So this space quite enough for the location of the Anti-Earth. Then why spacecraft could not fix this? It’s harder than it seems. The range of space stations is extremely small, and they are focused only on pre-installed objects used for navigation. They are not yet able to inspect everything, the goal the location of the Anti-Earth beyond the Sun was not indicated for them. what refers to the western astronauts landed on the moon, then they It wouldn’t be possible to make out the Anti-Earth, because the Moon located very close. To notice Anti-Earth, one would have to travel at least ten times further. Astronomy talks about the probabilities of the concentration of matter in the libration sites on orbit our planet. One of them is just behind the sun, however, unfortunately, the position of the body in it is extremely unstable. Though The earth itself should be located in the librational area of ​​that body, why the problem of their mutual relationship arises sharply. “Look at Saturn’s system, “Butusov explains.” It is similar to the Solar. Any of Saturn’s moons has a double among planets. solar system. Moreover, in the system of Saturn almost on one and in the same orbit, similar to the Earth’s orbit, 2 satellites rotate, playing amazing games. Every 4 years, satellites converge, however, they do not stumble upon each other, but only change their orbits. The Earth and Anti-Earth are able to move like them. The only difference is that the earth moves around the sun much more slowly, in difference from Saturn’s moons, which is why the “meeting” with the Earth happens infrequently. “This alleged planet was decided Gloria. Arguments in defense of the fact that Gloria (Anti-Earth) is on in fact, Butusov has more than one. Firstly, it’s unusual Earth orbit: orbits of nearby planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) in certain parameters are symmetrical with respect to the Earth, which It should not be. It turns out, there is a factor, say, the presence of on Earth orbit of unknown matter, multiplying its total mass at least twice. Secondly, tricks when moving Venus for a long time tormented the minds of researchers. For some obscure reasons, in rotation in the orbit of Venus, it accelerates, then vice versa – slows down. It turns out that on the planet some forces unknown to us, but where do they come from? Beyond Venus Mars focuses. The most interesting thing is that during acceleration the motion of Venus, Mars begins to slow down, and vice versa. Interpretation of such behavior can only be uniform for both cosmic bodies cause acting on them the opposite. This reason can easily turn out to be the presence in our orbit the planets of Antisite (or Gloria). But the most curious, according to Butusova, an argument in favor of the reality of the existence of Gloria finds himself opening by the head of the Paris Observatory at the end summer 1666, a previously unfamiliar body near Venus. Scientist thought he had found a satellite of Venus, and came to the conclusion that it 4 times smaller than the lunar diameter. He once again noticed this body, six years later. In 1740, Short came upon him, after him Mayer, and then Montaigne. Estimated body dimensions fluctuated in the region from a quarter to a third of the size of Venus itself. Then the body simply disappeared. What is there to say? Anti-earth located behind the sun near the libration site, is capable of swim out from behind the sun and under certain conditions it is not difficult notice from the earth. Suppose Anti-Earth is actually real, that does it give us? First of all, this fact should cause a huge interest for the entire scientific community, for Antisubmand resides in similar terrestrial conditions. This all indicates a potential the possibility of the presence of intelligent creatures on the Earth. Also, right there, perhaps, a basic human culture is based, in while the earth is a kind of “settlements” that strictly controlled. It is precisely known, in particular, that any nuclear tests all the time aroused great interest in UFOs, which in general very interested in all the serious events and disasters on our planet. And if UFOs come to us from Anti-Earth, why do they need it necessary? If only because the problems on Earth are serious danger to the Anti-Earth. After all, the fixation of both planets is relatively each other and the sun is unstable. And nuclear tests generating powerful shocks capable of displacing the Earth from its trajectory and to throw right towards the Anti-Earth, which will be the beginning of a terrifying disaster. Even if a direct collision does not happen, changes in gravity and the strong tides of the seas and oceans will destroy many cities and take a lot of lives on both planets. If residents Anti-Earth technically advanced further than us, then they, Of course, they will try to avoid the tragic consequences. Now UFOs do not climb into people’s lives, but it is not known how long this neutrality will last. Butusov is probably the first among current researchers seriously tackled the theory of having beyond the sun Anti-Earth. Whether he is mistaken or not, time will judge. Cries distrust is more than normal. Science Can’t Become frivolous, it is worth taking on faith only confirmed facts.

Venus Time Doubles Life Moon Mars Saturn Sun Solar system

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