ISS Russian segment is preparing for autonomy

ISSPhotos from open sources of

The International Space Station was created and launched in the nineties of the last century when the confrontation between West and Russia, or better yet, between West and East was minimal. This is what allowed scientists of the leading countries of the world to carry out such a grandiose space project.

Today, politicians (primarily the United States) in their ambitious aspirations to establish complete domination of the world hinder the scientific cooperation between the West and Russia, including in space. That’s why Roscosmos decided by 2021 to create completely on the ISS autonomous Russian compartment. This was reported to reporters. the head of the organization Igor Komarov, who specified that in currently the space industry of the Russian Federation is already received the task of preparing three new modules for the ISS.

These modules will allow the cosmonauts of Russia to work on the orbital station completely independent of all its other members. Made by it will be in advance, even before the contract between participating countries of this grand space project. Russian new modules will provide for cosmonauts independent communications, energy, engines and much more.

We had to think about it, stressed Head of Roskosmos, since after 2024 partners Russia on the ISS may well refuse to cooperate with us, for example, NASA and ESA are completely dependent on their ambitious politicians who push the world, including the scientific, to confrontation. In these conditions, we have to either create stand-alone module on the ISS, or launch your own orbital station. While we will carry out less costly project, and there time will tell …

Note that the International Space Station is currently – This is a joint project of Russia, the EU, USA, Canada and Japan. However, US politicians and representatives of NASA, European Space agencies are already openly talking about the possibility of closing the ISS in 2024 year. It is no coincidence that China plans to launch its own orbital laboratory. Russia has similar plans.

NASA ISS Time Russia USA

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