Shimizu Corporation of Japan Develops Installation Plans along the equator of the moon the solar panel belt for energy transmission through safe microwaves and lasers back to Earth. Start construction in 2035 will celebrate 50 years since the company plans it.
A photo from open sources
In order for energy production to be constant, the belt batteries will stretch along the entire lunar equator for 11 thousand kilometers. Its width will grow from a few to 400 kilometers.
Energy from the panels will be supplied via cables to the transmission installations.
Then antennas with a diameter of 20 kilometers will transmit energy to the ground. To ensure the accuracy of the transmission will be used beacons.
Energy will be transmitted to Earth through high-power lasers.
In the construction of the solar belt will be maximally involved resources of the moon itself. Water will be extracted from the lunar soil with using hydrogen delivered from Earth. Cementitious materials will also be made from lunar minerals. This cement is then will mix with lunar soil and gravel to create concrete. Bricks, fiberglass and other structural materials will be produced using solar energy.
Lasers Moon Japan