Japanese astronomers spotted in a supertelescope 7 faraway galaxies

A photo from open sources

Photo from the site ugnovosti.ru

In the process of studying outer space, Japanese scientists on recently made a wonderful discovery. They discovered the ancients galaxies that previously could not be seen using other by technical means. So much progress in space exploration astronomers helped using the latest Subaru equipment Suprime-Cam. In the powerful eyepiece of this telescope, Japanese scientists saw some of our oldest galaxies today the universe. The discovery was made as part of the study of galactic systems in large numbers formed after the Big the explosion. Newly discovered galaxies are located at a considerable distance from ours, so before that they didn’t come to the attention of residents Solar system. Astronomers previously thought they could find at least a dozen new objects. However, only 7 were discovered.

The average distance from our planet to one galaxy It is 13.1 billion light years. The reason why previously not managed to find a galaxy like Lyman-alpha emitter, consists in that the amount of light emitted by it is extremely small. Consider them The telescope succeeded with the help of space reionization.

Galaxy Telescope Japan

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