Japanese discovered space on Mars lizard

The Japanese discovered a space lizard on MarsA photo from open sources

What did the inquisitive find on the Red Planet Internet users: both smile and penis, and now they’ve found and the lizard. Another shot of the Curiosity rover put lovers space to a standstill. A Japanese citizen spotted a lizard in the photograph, saying that there is still life on Mars, reports Digital Journal. The corresponding image was published on the NASA website. The Japanese who discovered it shared his discovery with the authors UFO Sightings Daily portal dedicated to aliens, UFOs and others mysterious phenomena. According to a resident of the Land of the Rising Sun, the creature with four paws and a tail is clearly visible in the photo. Indeed, ironic editor of the “paranormal” portal Scott Waring, if the presence of water on Mars is already kind of proven, why wouldn’t it be so reptile here? The site author suggested users join the discussion and comment on what they see in this photo. Some commentators suggested that NASA specifically brought animals to Mars to see how they will behave in such a way to say the least hostile environment. However, these assumptions can be attributed rather to humorous: if about the possible existence of water on Krasnaya scientists on the planet have really said more than once, then about the presence there they did not seem to mention oxygen. Most Internet users agree that the Japanese “lizard” is an ordinary stone. NASA representatives previously commenting on such mysterious finds, has not yet reacted to the “space reptile”.

Water Mars NASA Portals

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