Jupiter’s clouds demonstrated surreal picture

The clouds of Jupiter showed a surreal pictureA photo from open sources

On the Internet, truly surrealistic is gaining in popularity. a picture created by the clouds of Jupiter. Alien “landscape”, made by the device “Juno” of the American aerospace agencies, makes not only enthusiastic, but also practically believe that it’s a picture of the hands of a great artist, although in fact This is a realistic space photo.

The Juno apparatus took this picture on October 27 this year on the distance, according to NASA staff, 18,906 kilometers above these majestic clouds of Jupiter folding in gray-blue and whitish whirlwinds, casting off fantastic shadows in the vicinity of the giant planet, autumn similar to oil paints of the unsurpassed space artist.

The region that fell into this wonderful picture is in Jupiter’s northern hemisphere, Juno just overcame about three fifths of the way from the equator to the north pole giant during the ninth closest approach to Jupiter. But it’s all technical details, more needed to state the fact, not a demonstration of the beauty of this surrealistic picture. NASA employees did not fail to even report that the image scale is 12 kilometers per pixel, but isn’t that so important?..

NASA Artists Jupiter

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