Astronomers have discovered that water from under the ice of Europe выплескивается на поверхность Photos from open sources of
On the ice crust covering the entire surface of Europe – satellite Jupiter – detected salt. Such data was received by Mike Brown Brown) of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena (California Institute of Technology in Pasadena) and Kevin Hand (Kevin Hand) from NASA (NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena), working with the powerful Kek II telescope mounted in Hawaiian islands (Telescope Keck II on Mauna Kea, Hawaii) and its OSIRIS spectrometer.
The European salt contains magnesium sulfate, sodium chloride and potassium. But where, one wonders, did it – salt – come from? From salty ocean, which is located under the ice crust of Europe. His water, by scientists say periodically spills onto the surface through holes and cracks in ice like lava of terrestrial volcanoes. Salt settles. And it becomes “visible” to spectroscopy instruments, since reflects light differently than ice.
Salt is direct evidence that water spills out and means and the fact that the ocean on Jupiter’s satellite is really exist.
A photo из открытыхsources of
The water of the European Ocean salted ice here Photo: NASA
– The ocean of Europe and its surface are actively exchanging chemical substances, says Brown. – Similar processes can give necessary energy for the appearance of organic life forms.
The scientist also believes that the composition of the water of the European Ocean close to the water of the earth’s oceans.
Europe (aka Jupiter II) was discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610. Europe is about from our moon. Its diameter is slightly more than 3 thousand kilometers.
Scientists believe that under the ice crust of Europe is the ocean a depth of about 100-160 kilometers. He covers the whole Jupiter satellite surface. The thickness of the ice crust reaches in places of several kilometers. It is covered in long cracks.
The ocean of Europe is one of the few places in our solar system, where some kind of life is possible. There is a subtle atmosphere above the ocean, consisting of oxygen.
Фотоfrom open sources
Europe is the size of our moon, but there is more water on it than on Earth Photo: NASA
Photos from open источников
The depth of the ocean of Europe is more than 100 kilometers Photo: NASA
Water Life Moon NASA Jupiter