Jupiter’s satellite has an underground ocean

There is an underground ocean on Jupiter’s satellitePhoto from open sources

Scientists from the United States of America recently reported that on Ganymede – the satellite of the largest planet in the solar system – there is a large underground ocean. The experts carried out thorough calculations and found out that on this celestial body there are water supplies significantly superior to earthly ones.

Using an automated observatory on Earth orbit, the Americans were able to confirm that under the surface Jupiter’s Galilean satellite is salty conductive ocean. The Hubble Space Telescope allows you to determine this with very high precision. This was reported by astronomer Heidi Hammel, being one of the authors of the study.

According to him, this amazing discovery paves the way for reasoning that a satellite can have real life. For example, on our planet, as you know, ninety-seven percent hydrospheres are represented by salt water, and the most various organisms.

It should be noted that the newly discovered ocean in Ganymede has tremendous depth by earthly standards – ten times more than The Mariana Trench, with a depth of almost eleven kilometers. Underground pond is under one hundred and fifty kilometers of hard layer and has a high temperature, not allowing him to freeze.

Scientists had previously theoretically discovered oceans in Europe, yet one satellite of Jupiter, and also on Enceladus – the satellite of Saturn. Astronomers emphasize that a similar reservoir, most likely, find on Jupiter’s satellite Callisto. In addition, on the satellite Juriter – Europe has lost large geysers.

Jupiter Water

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