A photo from open sources
Leading astronomers of the world, having analyzed the location and orbits, on which eight planets move, as well as other small heavenly the bodies of our solar system have come to the conclusion that there are at least at least five evidence for the existence of the ninth planet, and according to In all respects, it fits the description of Nibiru.
For example, scientists at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena Konstantin Batygin and Michael Brown calculated the position Planet X, remote from the Sun, according to their calculations, at 41 billion kilometers and weighing ten times more than Earth. While one the revolution around our luminary Nibiru makes for 15 thousand years.
A photo from open sources
However, astronomers still have not found the mysterious ninth planet SS in space. True powerful telescope “Subaru”, which located in Hawaii, whose leadership allowed Batygin and Brown for a whole week to look for Nibiru, allowed this team tireless researchers to collect a lot of pictures in which now they are trying to find Planet X, or at least to establish its exact location and clarify its real characteristics.
In addition, astronomers hope that by working on telescope “Subaru”, they will be able to understand where Nibiru came from, is she an indigenous “resident” of our SS or is it coming a guest from another star system.
In any case, says Konstantin Batygin, everyone oddities of planets and other objects of our solar system can only explain the presence of Nibiru in this model. For instance, Kuiper belt dwarf bodies rotate in the opposite direction compared to eight large SS planets, in addition orbits small objects in a strange way strongly inclined to the “pancake” the main rotation of the planets. All this contradicts the classical model. building a star system. And therefore only adding Planet to it X, all these oddities can be explained.
A photo from open sources
As the saying goes, the affair is small: find this mysterious Nibiru in the unlimited space of space. Find, so that with one parties, prove to the conspiracy theorists that her current threat to life to our blue ball, which they trumpet all over the Internet, too exaggerated, and on the other – to calculate whether this a mystical planet is able to radically change the state of affairs in The solar system, approaching the luminary, and if so, then when can this happen …
Nibiru Solar System Telescope