Life in space is possible and is!

A photo from open sources

Describing space, they often add the epithets “lifeless”, “dead”. Cold, radiation, vacuum – what can be in space a life? In August 2014, Russian astronauts with the ISS reported amazing news: even in these conditions, living organisms can exist! The question of the questions of Scientists has long worried: Is space really deadly for all living things? Interest not idle. Future spaceships will be equipped with residential and work units protecting people from environmental hazards. Do plant seeds, simple organisms need the same protection, or are they able to withstand the “blow of space”? In 2008 in During the experiment, bacteria were left outside the ISS. In 533 days returned to Earth. Part of the bacteria came to life and began to multiply. From bacteria scientists have moved on to more complex organisms. It turned out that lichens and tardigrades (microscopic invertebrates). Subjects hibernated and when conditions changed for auspicious, awakened to life. The trick is that man had nothing to do with the 2014 “experiment”. General cleaning Every device flying in space is a source of dirt. Engine operation, air emissions from a lock chamber when astronauts go into outer space – shallow particles swarm fly around the ship and settle on it. Therefore time from time to time the inhabitants of the station go outside and carry out cleaning surfaces, polish and clean the portholes. During the “cleaning” samples are taken from the outer surface of the station and carefully studied. This time, samples were found among debris on the skin plankton that lives on Earth in the upper layers of the ocean. Initially, the message of the astronauts in Roscosmos was not believed. Indeed, explain how the inhabitants of the water element ended up on the outer surface of the station, no one could. Versions But fact there is a fact, and requires explanation. Version that microorganisms Arrived on the ISS from Earth disappears immediately. In Baikonur, where ships start, marine plankton is not found. Distance from cosmodrome to the nearest sea coast is hundreds kilometers. Are there really ascending air currents capable of to raise plankton to a height of more than 450 km? To this, scientists are still not ready. It’s easier to assume that microorganisms with American Curiosity and Viking freight modules. But this version has its own flaws.

A photo from open sources hit “free riders” on the ISS, they got to him without help human and quite alive, albeit in “suspended animation.” This is once again confirms that neither cosmic radiation nor low temperatures, neither vacuum nor the absence of oxygen and pressure are absolutely capable unconditionally kill life. She is in space. Supporters bringing life to Earth from the outside got another fact in the piggy bank their arguments. If microorganisms can quite safely “travel” through space on the ship’s skin, what prevents them do the same on the surface of meteorites and comets? There is another caveat, oh which ecologists say in half a voice. For decades man sends his messengers into space. Space probes and spacecraft sat on the surface of the Moon, Mars, Venus. Quite it is possible that a person involuntarily already brought life to them and stepped on on the surface of these planets the astronaut will not be there first earthling. But whoever meets him there is a plot for sci-fi horror movie.

ISS Life Time

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