Living Martian Stones

Living Martian StonesPhotos from open sources

It turns out that not only on Earth there are living stones that move independently on the surface, but also on Mars a similar anomaly is observed, and for a long time.

Move on the Red Planet is not just some small pebbles, say, under the influence of wind, and huge boulders, sometimes in several tens of meters in diameter. And even the “Martian devils” – these tornadoes of red deserts do not provide a reasonable explanation this strange phenomenon, because in this case, traces of stones should be smoothed by the wind. And they are clear and even intermittent, like a traveler’s stone, it’s going to stop at respite. Reasonable and unpredictable cobblestone …

But Martian stones not only travel, they also are grouped into some mysterious structures, as if, again, with This uses a specific construction logic. That’s about it “tells” a new video of a group of researchers Streetcap1 (see below).

This “stone” phenomenon has long been interested in and known Taiwanese ufologist Scott Waring. There is clearly a reasonable intervention, he writes. On the one hand, such constructions can be created. some intellectual life forms that are present on Mars, say, by the same aliens, on the other – “living stones”, that are observed on the Red Planet, are able to assemble themselves in something like that. If they move independently, they may well communicate, and even group together into such intelligent constructions – “Duma meetings.”

A photo from open sources

It is possible that they write the most skeptical virtual archaeologists that these are just the scenery that suits for NASA’s global public, because there’s no certainty that the pictures were sent from Mars, and not taken in any earthly “Martian reality.”

I like the theory of “living stones” more, admits Scott Waring. After all, they are on Earth, why should they not be on Mars. After all, far from all believe in earthly “living stones”, although their movement has long been recorded and documented.

Then, the scientist continues, among ufologists distributed information that at one time the astronauts of the Apollo 20 mission faced an interesting phenomenon on the moon: they found triangular stones that “cried” with yellow tears – highlighted a specific yellowish liquid. Of course, in this case, you can talk about the hoax of NASA employees and the US leadership in general, who are constantly engaged in such unseemly activities and not already pierced on such things. However, not all the same the world is tuned and staged, real things happen in life wonders…

Life Stones Mars NASA Scott Waring

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