The animal was found in a NASA image transmitted by a robot “Curiosity”
At virtual astrobiologists – enthusiasts who are looking for signs life on an alien photo, holiday. Another Mars Discovered the inhabitant. This is a lizard. She was found by Scott Warin, owner of the UFO Sightings Daily website.
Photos from open sources
The curiosity robot took this picture on the 153th day of being on Mars Photo: NASA
The inhabitant was captured by the camera of the robot “Curiosity” (Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity) which has been plowing open spaces since August 2012 Gale’s Martian Crater in search of at least some life.
Uarin believes that the animal is very similar to an iguana – a large earth lizard. The front part is especially similar – the muzzle. And the back – that is, the Martian analogue simply does not have a tail. Probably, fell off. In lizards, this happens.
Photos from open sources
Large Martian iguana
Фото: НАСАPhotos from open sources Земная игуана
Photo: Ufosightingsdaily
Such a find is far from the first on the Red Planet in general and on the account of “Curiosity” in particular. This spring on one of the pictures also managed to make out a lizard. She was even with tail and color was dark green.
Photo from open sources
Martian Lizard Photo: NASA
A little earlier there was some furry animal lurking between two stones. Hamster? Looks like … Joseph Skipper is a prominent researcher Martian anomalies from the USA – believes that the animal is superior hamster in size. And more like a capybara. Or meadow a little dog.
Terrestrial capybara is a semi-aquatic herbivorous mammal from family of capybaras. And with water and grass on Mars – difficulties. Therefore, the local capybaras should look somehow different.
But meadow dogs – gopher-like rodents from the breed squirrel – on Earth they live in the prairies of South America. And they are prairies – much closer to Martian conditions than grass and water. That is, if the photo is a rodent, then he is more likely a meadow dog than anyone yet.
The sizes of all discovered Martian animals are approximately the same – about 40 centimeters.
Фото изоткрытых источников
Martian rodent (on the left), on the right – his earthly brethren Photo: Ufosightingsdaily
Sensible skeptics have no doubt that the pictures are simply stones of bizarre forms. Conspiracy theorists are already arguing with each other. Some believe that the animals are local. What follows: Mars is inhabited. According to another version – lizards and rodents were brought from Earth, on Mars released from a special compartment in the “Curiosity” robot for scientific experiment on survival. Now they feed. What now proves: Mars is fit for life.
It is possible, of course, that the animals are not living, in the pictures – them petrified remains. But then it turns out that Mars was once fit for life.
There is also a very offensive version for Americans. On her – nowhere are they didn’t fly, and the photos are not transmitted from Mars, but from the nearest terrestrial desert. From here and animals that accidentally fall into the frame. VLADIMIR LAGOVSKY
Water Life Stones Mars NASA Robots