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English theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking said in a 4-episode a movie shown on the Discovery Channel that aliens with other planets that someone is so eager to make contact with, we, Earthlings are not interested, and if any of them decides to visit us, it is only for the purpose of capturing resources.
We, according to Hawking, are not the smartest and far from the most technologically advanced civilization throughout the universe, no one our culture is interesting, and nobody is going to love us. No aliens do not feel threats from our side, and therefore if someone will be interested in the pale blue dot lost in the Milky the way, it will fly to our planet by no means with the peace-loving goals.
According to the scientist, alien nomads can do this who loaded their spaceships with fuel to failure, will go in search of resources that they have long run out on home planet. Then they will turn towards the Earth and will act like the conquistadors who once conquered Native American Indians and the colonized lands of modern U.S.A.
The British physicist is convinced that all attempts to contact alien civilizations are either very risky or will not lead to no results. In any case, we will never wait for that days when friendly aliens descend from the sky in flying plates and open their arms to us.
Moreover, the theoretical physicist says, naively hoping to get news from aliens in the universe where billions of years go by the development of civilizations, which however may disappear without a trace one night. “Stephen Hawking is convinced that no one is in contact with us will never come out, and that humanity needs to come to terms with this and stop looking for friends in a lonely, cold space. Alone and cold – for us …
A photo from open sources
Universe Stephen Hawking