A photo from open sources
In 2007, former NASA employees Richard Hoagland and Ken Johnston released the results of its analysis of more than 500 images of the lunar surface obtained during the 1960s – 90s. By their many people see objects of obviously artificial origin. Among the pictures were a few classified photographs taken by American astronauts in 1969. On the they clearly see the ruins of some buildings that may be remnants of an ancient civilization … Scientific explanations Among other anomalies that they noticed in the pictures lunar surface, Hoagland and Johnston noted the presence of a considerable number of craters in the form of regular polyhedrons. The natural form for craters formed, it is believed, in The result of a meteorite fall is a circle. So with scientific point of view explain the origin of lunar polyhedra not succeeds, as they fail to explain, for example, strange zigzag structures captured near the Pythagoras crater, object in the Sea of Crisis, reminiscent of an aqueduct bridge, solitary rectangular or round “towers” on tops of mountains and on rims many craters. The height of these “towers” casting long clear shadow, reaches two kilometers. Hoagland and Johnston introduced new pictures of the Picard crater. In due time photographs of this crater, made from the board of Apollo 10, caused a lot of discussion. On new two parallel structures resembling arches thrown into the crater through the shaft surrounding it. That it not a play of shadows, says that the pictures were taken at different times and under different angles. One of the most amazing anomalous objects Moon former NASA employees consider Ukert crater visible side. It can be called a crater conditionally, since it is nothing more than a regular pyramid, tilted deep into the moon. At the base of the “pyramid” lies equilateral triangle with a side of 25.7 kilometers. His high-quality images are still classified. Near Ukert there is a spire stretched upwards three kilometers high, and right there, as if making up a single architectural ensemble with it, it rises another unique object – a hill with a rare moon height of 11 kilometers. Its shape is striking. The hill looks like a giant castle with many towers, surrounded by battlements. Computer analysis pictures of the hill showed that it was not lit outside, which would be natural for a natural object, but from the inside. That is deep down the hill is some unknown source of light, and the hill itself, It turns out, consists of a translucent material. Hoagland leads the words of a NASA employee who wished to remain anonymous that the material of the hill is similar in structure to very strong steel. Of course, the origin of such a strange education also does not have natural explanation. “Generally separate groups extremely high cliffs located also on the plains terrain, not uncommon for the moon. The highest monoliths rise at perfectly flat surfaces of the ocean of Storms and the Sea of Tranquility. First The Soviet automatic station Luna-9 received their pictures. By form they are most often spiers natural causes and the origin of round domed elevations with a diameter of up to 500 meters. They have already been discovered more two hundred. In the photographs, the domes of the octagonal and other forms. Most of all, however, they are not even surprised by their correct geometric shapes, and the fact that some of them are white and able to disappear and then appear away from the previous place provisions. They seem to be moving along the lunar surface. IN craters discovered giant mechanisms Hoagland and Johnston far from the first scientists who expressed doubt about the uninhabitability The moon. Back in the 19th century, some European astronomers claimed that they saw on the moon something like cities. At the beginning of the twentieth century, scientific magazines published photographs and sketches of moon pyramids, domes and bridges that could be seen through a telescope. Already the first spacecraft photographs of the lunar surface Surprised and lively debate among experts. In connection with this probably NASA and the Pentagon began to hide some of the moon pictures from public attention. In 1979, American engineers Saccheri and Hughes reported classified photos of the moon, which they saw at NASA’s Houston Center. On them were captured formations similar to the Egyptian pyramids on pipelines, bridges, highways, even to city blocks. In the 1980s years, lunar images taken by the Ranger 7 probe were studied by the famous American scientist George Leonard. On some of them he discovered gigantic structures that look like tangles of earthen worms. Leonard called them X-drones. They are located inside craters. The length of their constituent “worms” is from 1.5 to 4.5 kilometers. The scientist believes that X-drones are ancient mechanisms that can work so far. In his opinion, such unusual phenomena like “moonlight” and “moonlight”. It’s known that the dawn possible only in the presence of atmosphere, but for fogs water, so their presence on the airless satellite seems incredible. Nevertheless, the signs of the evening dawn on the moon were seen back in the eighteenth century. Since then, moon dawns and mists have been described. hundreds of times. At the beginning of the twentieth century, a German scientist and popularizer of science Wilhelm Belshe wrote that “… on the moon above clefts and craters repeatedly there was some kind of haze that looked like fog. Her it is difficult to find any explanation other than the occurrence in these water vapor locations. “According to Leonard, X-drones are associated with pumping or transporting water, which may occur below the lunar surface, which is why over the areas where these mechanisms, and the effect of dawns and mists. X-drones can also to connect the surface of the moon with the vast voids beneath it. Alien station in Earth orbit About the presence of such voids guessed for a long time, confidence in their existence expressed even in 1962 American astrophysicist Carl Sagan. Subsequently, with scanning the lunar surface with special locators, voids really been discovered. Indirectly their existence confirmed the expedition “Apollo 13”. After the third step the launch vehicle separated from the ship and fell on the moon, the surface planet fluctuated for almost three and a half hours, that is, behaved like a huge bubble. Virtually proven presence of vast voids inside the moon has increased the number of supporters of the version that the moon – Artificially created structure, hollow inside. For the first time this the hypothesis was put forward in the 1970s by Soviet scientists Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov in the book “The Moon – Our Mysterious Space ship. “In her favor, in particular, not only many strangeness in the parameters of the moon’s orbit, but also the analysis of lunar samples rocks. Lunar rocks contain much more than terrestrial, metals such as titanium, beryllium, zirconium and yttrium, which are considered heat resistant and almost not subject to corrosion (not accidentally they are used in the construction of space rockets). About the artificial origin of the moon says age determination lunar mountains by radioactive decay. It showed that the mountains formed no more than 20 million years ago. Meanwhile, it is believed that the moon’s age is 4.5 billion years and it appeared as a result proto-Earth collisions with a celestial body the size of Mars. Knocked out from the Earth a splinter and formed the moon. However, in the likelihood of such events makes doubtful not only the determination of the age of the lunar breeds, but also computer calculations. They show impossibility formation in a similar collision of a perfectly round body (which is the moon) having the current orbital parameters. Yes, and the relief modern Earth would look different. The moon was nuclear the war is far from clear and with those lunar craters that are considered natural, that is, formed as a result of a fall meteorites. There is every reason to believe that the cause of on the moon of most of the craters were the most powerful nuclear explosions. About this is indicated in particular by the high content of radioactive isotopes of uranium and thorium in lunar samples. In other words, the moon, or that gigantic artificial object, which it may be, once underwent a nuclear attack that left marks all over it surface and turned it into a desert. According to most Ufologists, representatives of several alien races that are fighting among themselves hidden from us for dominating the planet. In relatively recent antiquity, more on the memory of mankind, this struggle was conducted more openly and often with the use of nuclear weapons. It’s logical to assume that in those space wars took an active part and the crew of a huge the orbital station launched into the orbit of our planet. Group English scientists, led by the famous astronomer G. Fielder, conducted a statistical and computer analysis of the location of the lunar craters. It turned out that the vast majority of them not chaotic, as it should be with their natural origin, and grouping in complexes. In some cases craters form pairs, in others – chains, in the third – lie in the tops of the rectangles. All this is easily explained if suggest that the moon was once bombed. To achieve the most destructive effect, bombs must dumped at a certain distance from one another. Thus, paired craters are traces of the explosions of two divided warheads one rocket. Chains – traces of continuous bombing from one flying object (interestingly, crater chains are very similar on chains of funnels from American bombs that dropped from B-52 bombers during the Vietnam War). Known and a method of throwing bombs on the tops of triangles. In nuclear bombarded life inside these triangles is completely destroyed. Almost 90 percent of the craters are focused on called continents. In the seas, there are very few craters. This a fact difficult to explain from the standpoint of the meteorite hypothesis is good consistent with the nuclear war hypothesis. If in the lunar seas in those there really was water, then intelligent life was focused on land. In these areas and hit by atomic missiles. Contact is already close You can with a great deal of confidence talk about the crew of an alien orbital station under the name “Moon” survived that war. Ever since is in the voids below the surface of the planet where there is water and artificial atmosphere. Traces and various manifestations of activity we find this crew not only in the pictures of the lunar surface, but also with visual observations of the night luminary. Posts about such manifestations incomprehensible to us and inexplicable in terms of science, a lot has been accumulated over the past 400 years, almost continuous observations of the moon. Ufologists have no doubt that the first The American expedition to the moon met with its inhabitants. Perhaps in the period from 1969 to 1972, here on Earth, intense secret negotiations of representatives of the American government with aliens. Their result could be strange, puzzled worldwide decision by Americans to interrupt lunar program. Now talk of opportunity has begun again sending expeditions to the moon. NASA speaks about these plans evasive. Be that as it may, flights to the moon cannot be avoided. Then, apparently, there will be a real, full contact with extraterrestrials, which mankind dreams of from the first reports of flying saucers. Igor VOLOZNEV
War Water Time Drones Life Moon Bridges NASA Rocket Pyramids