Photo from open source NASA scientists presented the result of their Moon Research March 20 at a study conference planets. As it turned out, the surface of the moon abounds in huge tunnels formed from lava flows of volcanic eruptions. New scientific work suggests diameter some tunnels may be sufficient to accommodate structurally stable cities for future moon colonists. According to According to NASA, lunar tunnels may have a diameter of more than 1 kilometer, which makes it possible to consider them as long-term shelters, which are able to protect people on the moon from meteorites, space radiation and strong temperature changes (lunar day and night).
Beneath the surface of the moon
Professor Jay Melosh told that when lava flows, its edges cool and form a pipe (a kind of crust around the flow lava). When the eruption ends and the lava flow stops, the pipe turns into a hollow tunnel. Another question: how likely are such lava pipes to exist on the moon? Professor believes that the winding furrows observed on the lunar surfaces suggest that lunar tunnels are not only exist, but also that they can be huge. Availability “moonlit” voids was recently confirmed during the study several moon seas. Study Leader the moonlit voids david blair is sure that beneath the surface of our satellite there are structurally stable tunnels, the diameter is empty whose cavity is more than 1 kilometer. Moreover, David discovered that lava pipes on the moon are structurally stable under sizes up to 5000 meters wide.
On Earth, this would be impossible, but the gravity of the moon is much lower, plus lunar rocks are not subject to earthly erosion and earthly weathering, so they are much stronger and more stable. And since lunar tunnels are also huge, then this is the best place for location of the sublunar cities, scientists say.
NASA’s moon