Makosh – amulet of the Slavic goddess

The symbol of the patron goddess of the weaker sex Makosh protects women from ill-wishers, keeps family well-being and helps in raising children.

To get the maximum effect from the amulet, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself in more detail with its origin, value, manufacturing and care rules.

Preserved makosh

The origin of the amulet

According to mythology, Makosh is considered the Slavic goddess of female magic, fate and fertility, in various legends she was the wife of Veles or Svarog.

The Mokosha symbol represents the feminine principle and has several types of images:

  1. The image of a deity – upon close examination, you can distinguish the head and the upper part of the woman's body, while the lower one is hidden under the skirt. A lady with raised arms symbolizes spring and fertility – she attracts wealth to the house. The goddess with her hands down, personifies autumn and means an early harvest.
  2. Makosha's head, which combines four identical rhombuses – they mean conscience, spirituality, material and intangible values. In other interpretations, rhombuses mean four elements.

Value for women and men

Amulet Makosh is used by adult women in a number of cases:

  • replenishment of inner strength when looking for love or improving existing relationships;
  • increasing the chance of conceiving a child;
  • normalization of relationships with mother or children;
  • helping with women's affairs such as handicrafts, cooking, or housekeeping;
  • bringing financial well-being and peace of mind.

Often amulets Lunnitsa and Makosh are used together because of their similar meaning – this helps to increase their positive energy. Lunnitsa enhances female attractiveness, strengthens health and protects against problems with conception or bearing a child.

The Makosh amulet is also recommended to be worn by representatives of the stronger sex, whose profession is directly related to the earth – it helps to achieve prosperity in work.

Varieties of amulet and manufacturing methods

The Slavic amulet of the goddess Makosh can be depicted in several variations and made in various ways.


The rune of Beregini in an upright position will provide harmony in the house and a rich harvest, while an inverted symbol will attract troubles, monetary losses and sterility. The amulet can be made from any tree, depicted on paper or cardboard. It is not recommended to put this rune on the body in the form of a tattoo, since in a certain position of the body it can be upside down.


A makosh in the form of a symbol, unlike a rune, can be embroidered on clothes or worn as a decoration.

Expert opinion Ilmira Derbentseva Parapsychologist For a woman, such an image in the form of a tattoo helps to soften the character, for a man this sign can only help in working with the earth, and is undesirable for applying to the body.


The action of the embroidered doll amulet Makosh without a face:

  • protects all family members from troubles and accidents;
  • attracts wealth, peace and happiness to the house;
  • drives away diseases from the home and accelerates cure from them.

In order for the doll to have the above-described positive impact on your life, you should supplement the product with a spindle, embroider the sign of Mokosha or her image on her clothes.

Embroidery amulet cross stitch

The embroidered sign Makosh can serve as both a personal talisman and protect all family members. In order for the amulet to perform its functions, several rules should be followed when creating it:

  1. The selection of the symbol, fabric and thread must be done in advance. You need to select natural materials – silk, linen or cotton. Green is considered the best color for the base; when doing work on white fabric, it is recommended to fix the finished work in a green frame. Also, the scheme must contain red and yellow.
  2. Women in adulthood should be engaged in embroidery. A painting done by an inexperienced and young girl will not have much power.
  3. You can supplement the image with auxiliary elements after preliminary acquaintance with their meaning. The presence of cornflowers, spikelets or bees on the embroidery will attract wealth, strengthen trust in the family and ensure fidelity between the spouses.
  4. The amulet should be embroidered on the growing moon or on the full moon, in good health and with good thoughts.
  5. During work, it is forbidden to cut threads with scissors, be distracted by empty conversations, arguments, watching TV or listening to music, otherwise the embroidery will not have a positive effect.

Makosh - embroidery scheme

Preserved makosh as a gift

Amulets with the image of the goddess Mokosha are considered a good gift – they protect their owner and change his life for the better. Presenting such a thing to a girl, you can expect that soon she will get married and have offspring. For adult women, such a gift will help develop intuition and magical skills.

Care rules

The amulet should be cleaned in a timely manner from the accumulated negative, which interferes with the work of the talisman.

To do this, when a feeling of heaviness and an irresistible desire to remove the talisman appears, it is lowered into running water for several minutes or left overnight in salt. In the morning, the amulet is rinsed with water, after which you can safely continue wearing it.

Clothes with an embroidered amulet must be hand washed and left to dry in the sun or near a fire.

A cracked amulet or damaged embroidery indicates that the talisman has absorbed the maximum of negativity and has finished its action – it should be burned, buried in the ground, or let down the river stream.

To hardworking and stubborn people, Makosh sends good luck and helps them achieve success in their planned affairs. The symbol is not applied to weapons or armor, since it concentrates creative energy in itself.

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