The cat is a contradictory symbol. If we turn to history, we can see that among some peoples this animal personified a defender, a reliable patron, a bright side, while others called him the servant of the devil himself. What does the cat symbolize today?
A cat is a symbol of what?
A cat is a spiritual animal, and its symbolism largely depends on where you met (in a dream or in reality), whether it is your totem, if it is a talisman, then what kind it has.
In a general sense, a cat is a symbol of patience. She knows how to wait and chooses the most appropriate time for activity, action, jump, attack. Also, the animal is a symbol of intuition, clairvoyance, independence.
For example, in ancient Egypt, cats were idolized and treated with respect or even awe. It was believed that they are capable of carrying exclusively good. As history testifies, in this country there was a real cult associated with cats, and one of the most revered goddesses was Bast – the assistant of the god Ra; she was portrayed as a woman with a cat's head.
In ancient Rome, cats were associated with the goddess Artemis, and a little later the animal became a symbol of freedom.
The Celts considered the messengers of the evil forces of cats. Moreover, following their convictions, they sacrificed animals.
Influence of color
The symbolism of the cat does not depend on the breed, but the color of the coat is of great importance.
- Redhead – leadership qualities, courage, confidence. A cat in a red color will help in any endeavor, the talisman encourages active people, those who believe in their own strength. With such a talisman, it is easier for a person to make decisions, start new business. A ginger cat predicts changes, and if necessary, the talisman will help in the love sphere, however, on one condition: if its owner is not red-haired. In this case, he will bring loneliness.
- Gray is a symbol of harmony, mystery, silence, the transition from bad to good. In a general sense, a gray or silver cat becomes the personification of childhood. It is during this period that we still do not feel the severity of growing up, everything seems measured, and life is quiet and affectionate. Remember, almost every one of us had a gray cat in childhood. The gray cat brings peace, stability, it helps to hold on to the present and at the same time makes you look back, remember past experiences in order to understand that good changes are just around the corner.
- White – purity, healing, luck, positive. The smoother and cleaner the color of the coat, the more power the cat is endowed with. Such an animal heals, protects and protects from thousands of misfortunes. Psychics advise to love a white cat, and then it will increase well-being, keep peace in the family, strengthen health and increase the level of spirituality.
- The tricolor cat is considered to be energetically strong. It is believed that if such an animal is nailed to the house, then soon your success awaits.
Black cat as a symbol
The black color of wool has long been considered mystical. An animal of this color was associated with the other world, evil spirits, evil spirits. However, a black cat does not always carry a negative. Traveling between worlds, such pets help psychics to communicate with the souls of the dead, they are able to ward off the evil eye and damage from the house.
A black kitten is considered a reliable protector from thieves and is able to prevent an accident: people say that it will save a house from fire and lightning. In addition, the animal will increase wealth and make a successful owner even more successful.
Expert Opinion Marina Gonchar Healer, clairvoyant If we talk about a negative attitude towards a black cat, then it can be clearly seen in ancient legends. In ancient times, an animal with this color was associated with witches, satanic affairs, black magic.
It was believed that every witch to the Sabbath necessarily took a black cat with her. And even when the servant of the devil was discovered and burned at the stake, superstitious people believed that she could return to our world, reincarnated as this blackest cat.
If we consider a black cat, relying on the symbols of the spiritual world, then there is a single opinion: the animal personifies physical healing. And this is due to the fact that they are endowed with healing powers. After all, it is no accident that for many years black cats have accompanied herbalists, healers, and traditional healers everywhere.
Totem cat
If a cat is a human totem, then it is able to influence various areas of life. The animal is known for having nine lives in reserve. However, this does not mean that you can place yourself in danger, take unnecessary risks.
A person is given a chance to see the result and understand whether the goal is worth the funds that will be spent on achieving it. And each of the nine lives will give such an opportunity.
The cat stands for patience, endurance and at the same time agility. Follow her tactics: stay still until that very moment. By calculating the odds correctly and making the jump on time, you can hit the jackpot. You should not rush things or, conversely, wait too long.
The totem cat will give the owner the ability to see in the dark. A person will be able to recognize lies, identify ill-wishers and false friends. This ability is not given to everyone, but only to those who are not lazy to take into account the smallest details.
The symbol will teach a person to fully rest, enjoy sleep. After all, sleep is an important component of our life, and working capacity depends on its quality. A person during the rest period will be able to fully charge the body.
The cat is characterized by independence and ability to protect. Sometimes independence can border on the thirst for loneliness, complete detachment, but at the same time a person will have enormous social connections. And the totem cat will come to the rescue in time – it will give the ability to protect both itself and its loved ones.
The cat is inherent in attractiveness, sexuality, her every step is graceful. She endows the owner with the same qualities. The character of a person becomes soft, feline, thanks to which he gains fame in his circle, people begin to gravitate towards him.
Such persons are loved because they know how to make others happy. And sexuality in their lives takes on a special meaning: it is often thanks to it that development takes place, goals are achieved.
These people are clean. They know how to take care of themselves (both women and men), keep their dwelling completely clean. And they are always independent and try to maintain order without the help of others.
Expert Opinion Marina Gonchar Healer, clairvoyant Curiosity and sneakiness of a cat affects human life. The owner of such a symbol will try to be the first to find out all the news and turn this knowledge to his advantage.
Moreover, a person with a cat totem does not always occupy leadership positions. More often he will be in close proximity to the leader, as they say, he will find a “warmer place.” Having settled down as conveniently as possible, thanks to his mind, he will definitely receive all the benefits that he expects.
Benefits of people with a cat totem
Such people are distinguished by:
- sharp mind and ability to make the right decisions;
- independence and the ability to independently solve their problems;
- self-esteem and full self-confidence;
- vigilance, reticence and a high level of self-control.
What's wrong with a cat totem?
However, the image of a cat also has disadvantages. Human weaknesses are manifested in the following:
- complete independence often brings loneliness with it, since, when making independent decisions, a person neglects the opinions, advice, and tips of others;
- understanding of one's own strength develops into self-confidence, and a person crosses this line without noticing it, and complete confidence in his righteousness does not allow him to see how others suffer;
- the totem cat correctly calculates its own forces, but more often tries to save them, as a result, it begins to manipulate others;
- feline cunning often develops into outright deception – a person brings high intellectual abilities as a gift to his own ego.
Totem cat for women
A woman with a cat totem is very attractive to members of the opposite sex. She always remains a girl – light, desirable, light and pure. The man sees in her a strong sexual and partner potential.
Expert Opinion Marina Gonchar Healer, Clairvoyant Woman has feline qualities such as grace, agility and flexibility. She knows how to make concessions, thereby showing flexibility of character, but she even more succeeds in taking the best from life. She is very soft, affectionate, patient and at the same time cunning.
A woman with a cat totem is comfortable in a relationship, but will not allow anyone to offend herself – she knows how to release her claws in time.
These representatives of the fair sex have a very strongly developed maternal instinct. They strive to start a big family and love to spend time with children. Such a woman is the most caring mother, she has the ability to properly raise her child and instills in him the necessary skills.
Totem cat for men
For men, the meaning is different. Boys with a cat totem are highly active. They are curious, mobile and adventurous; easily find a common language with others, including with representatives of the opposite sex.
As soon as such a man starts a dialogue, the girl is instantly carried away by him. Often he has several love affairs at once, while there are very few friends among men.
Being in the company, this representative of the stronger sex is always in the spotlight. He does not hesitate to show his cheerful, somewhere mischievous, disposition. Activity decreases with age. There is a desire to start a family, to calm down. At the same time, such a man remains polygamous forever, and is not against new acquaintances and intrigues, even being in a legal marriage.
As for remorse, he never feels it. In a word, a man with a cat totem is looking for a more comfortable place, remains where almost everyone will do for him. His mission is to decorate this corner of the planet with himself. At the same time, he is well versed in people and will not allow himself to be deceived.
If such a man feels injustice, then from a purring cat he will instantly turn into an angry tiger, become a fighter. A similar turn of events can be expected in a situation when he sees an opponent in front of him; here he immediately activates all his abilities.
In general, he really lives in the competitive struggle, for him it is a driving force.
Mascot action
The cat mascot is one of the most suitable for the home. It will contribute not only to improving the general atmosphere, but also to preserve the family hearth. A small neat decorative amulet in the shape of a cat will add coziness and make the atmosphere in the room warmer. In short, a cat is a symbol of harmony.
Such a talisman will give its owner a wonderful mood and self-confidence, improve physical condition and calm down in a difficult situation.
With its help, a person will be able to develop oratorical abilities, become more restrained, learn to be observant, begin to attract people, and, accordingly, useful acquaintances.
For women who usually sacrifice themselves, put themselves in second place and generally do not know how to love themselves, the amulet in the form of a cat will be an excellent 'reminder'. After all, this animal is better than everyone else who knows how to do well, first of all, to his beloved and at the same time can be useful to others.
The wild cat is a symbol of love for freedom, unwillingness to limit oneself by rules, the desire to move at the call of nature. In addition, the same amulet endows its owner with the ability to heal itself, when a person knows how to use his own reserves.
The cat is a multifaceted symbol; it is purity, protection, independence, and inner strength. Such a talisman is able to make a really valuable gift to its owner, the main thing is to be clearly aware of what exactly you need at this stage of life.