Mars and its surprises

Mars and its surprisesPhoto from open sources

Ufologists and virtual archaeologists last week found on The red plan is again a lot of interesting material regarding alien life or Martian civilization, which is still not it’s clear whether it was still closed somewhere in the depths, closed from the adverse effects of today’s disastrous atmosphere.

The three-meter skeleton of the Martian

Mars explorer Keith Lani, dedicated to studying this mysterious planet for many years and considered one of the best online archaeologists discovered in a picture sent by the rover Curiosity back in October last year three-meter skeleton Martian (see video below).

Of course, the creature whose remains we see may not be Martian, but, say, an alien, but his skeleton is very similar on the human, Lanie believes. In this skeleton, a little powdered sand, lacking only the skull and hands, which, quite may have consumed time. Yes, and these remains are likely the Martian wind freed from under the sand, otherwise we would not see of this skeleton.

However, in this picture, says Keith, you can still see the head of a “soldier” sticking out from under the rock fragments. It is likely that the skeleton and this head are somehow connected. Although it is possible that the rover just hit the ancient Martian cemetery …

Whose helmet is this on Mars?

Well-known among ufologists specialist Scott Waring also discovered the other day on Mars (thanks to pictures taken by the rover still at the beginning of last year) some strangeness. In one of the photos he was noticed, no less, a military helmet, very similar to those that use earthlings.

Of course, the helmet is already petrified, Scott writes in his comment. to the picture, that is, lying on the surface of Mars for many centuries, however, this is still indirect evidence that on this planet there was once a civilization very similar to earthly, its state also waged internecine wars and even also used the military equipment almost identical to Earth. Not by chance, many Mars researchers conclude that humans are descendants Martians. And our civilization goes through the same stages of development as Martian

Photo from open sources

And if so, Waring concludes, then we may be waiting for the same end, that is, nuclear or something worse planetary war and the complete destruction of civilization, at least its main parts. Someone, as surely happened on Mars, must will remain, will burrow deep into the earth and will continue already quite another life. However, this is only an assumption, since many facts prove that in the depths of the Earth already exists its own civilization. Therefore, in the event of a global catastrophe, we will have to either touch her and assimilate, or just be destroyed by more developed humanoids.

War Life Mars Scott Waring

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