A photo from open sources
The most amazing thing is that all the finds that make online archaeologists on Mars, provides them with rover photos Curiosity of the American Aerospace Agency – NASA. Wherein employees of the agency in every possible way hide the truth about this planet, trying to retouch “suspicious” pictures. And even with this ufologists manage to unearth something.
Another lucky one this time was the notorious specialist in this area Scott Waring, who found in photographs rover is a very strange thing that looks like a skull prehistoric man. However, as Scott himself noted, do we judge what kind of humanoids they inhabited (and possibly still inhabit) Red planet? However, he personally is more inclined to that it’s a creature’s skull, like an earthly yeti.
Material about this find was immediately posted by him on the Web and called among virtual archaeologists is another commotion. Many of them came to the conclusion that this is indeed a humanoid skull. However some image researchers have noticed that the color of the “skull” slightly different from the surrounding landscape, i.e. strange the object does not seem dusty, and therefore it can be assumed that this living creature, such as a hedgehog that moves on the surface of Mars. Or maybe it’s a robot? ..
Other finds of virtual archaeologists
By the way, we note that recently online archaeologists found on Martian photographs of a clearly battle robot (merit of the blogger Paranormal Crucible), very similar to the abandoned mechanism some advanced civilization, then an unusual match-up formation, like an ice igloo house (merit of a ufologist Streetcap1), as well as a clearly man-made pillar or tower.
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
And finally, it was not without the rover capturing UFO accidentally floating over the surface of the Red Planet. By opinion of the same Scott Waring, this spherical flying machine may well be of terrestrial origin. Perhaps so the United States Air Force and NASA control activity of its rover and at the same time collects small artifacts from the surface of Mars, which is a huge value. Although it is possible that this is an alien ship origin, and even Martian …
NASA Mars Robots Scott Waring