Photos from open sources of
Online archaeologists have again discovered something in the photographs of Mars unusual. This time they saw in one of the pictures taken Curiosity rover and hit the World Wide Web, “corpse child. ”
Of course, this is not a real corpse, how can we imagine it imagine, but the petrified remains of a little Martian, rather total, according to researchers, the victims of the Martian eruption volcano.
Recall that according to one theory, the Red Planet was intelligent life that is destroyed by the eruption of a supervolcano or even a number of supervolcanoes, a kind of Martian Pompeii. With another the parties, in turn, say ufologists, given the remains of a child, covered with ashes can be explained by the invasion of Red alien planet, the great atomic war that destroyed Martian civilization.
Popular online ufologist Scott Waring also studied this image. and concluded that this is another proof that there was once life on the Red Planet. And not just biological, and reasonable, commensurate with ours, and perhaps even superior to ours in terms of development. By the way, he remarked, this there may be the remains of not only a child, but also statues, which again not contrary to the theory of civilization on Mars.
Note that some researchers believe that civilization on Mars did not die, but simply went deep into the planet, building there underground cities. There is indirect evidence of this, for example, shadow of a humanoid near Curiosity rover, shadow, randomly caught in the frame. Of course, this could be an alien. However on earth there are indigo children who remember their past lives. And here is one of them, Ural boy Boris, was in his former reincarnations Martian living in underground cities. And he claims that intelligent life on the Red Planet is now.
The indestructible thirst of virtual archaeologists to find confirmation according to Boris constantly stumbles upon the skepticism of others explorers of Mars and the silence of the main facts from NASA employees who, according to ufologists, know about Red the planet is much larger, however, as always, the most important thing for them “passes” under the heading “secret.” In this case, they continue to hang noodles on the ears, proving that those caught on the Web due to the inattention of their censors, photographs mean nothing, since everything that archaeologists find online on them is nothing more than pareidolia – a deception of vision, a desire to see what is not on the very business.
Indigo Kids Life Mars Scott Waring Mars Rover Curiosity