Martian finds or tricks of the illusion?

Martian finds or tricks of illusion?Photos from open sources of

Virtual archaeologists sometimes find such things on Martian photos that you wonder: maybe, in fact, on Krasnaya Martians still live on the planet? Or at least there Are there aliens from other worlds?

For example, Scott Waring, who does not need to be represented Internet users, constantly looking for those or other on Mars artifacts kindly provided to the general public through the Curiosity rover. His last find is a shadow Martian (possibly an alien or some other humanoid), who is most likely exploring the earth rover, and his hat (a hat very similar to her) accidentally gets into this moment in the frame.

A photo from open sources

Scott himself believes that this is a Martian who specifically raised a hand in greeting, not by accident, but on purpose, with a greeting purely human, this can be found anywhere in the world.

Earlier in the photos sent by Curiosity, virtual archaeologists have discovered something like the head of a Martian statue warrior (see title photo). This, according to Scott Waring, very remarkable, since Mars has always been considered the planet of war, and since, as is now almost for certain, not a single legend or a myth is not born from scratch, such a find confirms the idea that the Red Planet at one time had its warriors and famous for militancy. Only in this case warriors immortalized in stone.

True, on Mars are found statues of not only warriors, but also spiritual persons like buddha. And more recently, a statue was also discovered here. Virgin Mary Of course, this is just a virtual assumption archaeologists who even saw in the head of this statue a giant emerald. However, the photo with Virgin Mary attracts attention two more objects (in the background) that are very similar to UFOs, soaring in the Martian sky. Otherwise, who is flying there? ..

A photo from open sources

Illusions Mars Scott Waring Mars Rover Curiosity

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