Martian probe “saw” the skeleton of some animal

Martian probeA photo from open sources

Today, not only NASA uploads images obtained from Mars. Here comes the turn of the Indian automatic interplanetary station “Mangalyan” (Mars Orbiter Mission) to please the community ufologists.

Ufologists were delighted not only with the content of the image, on which clearly shows the skeleton of some animal, possibly a lizard, but also the fact that if different sources (not only rovers and NACA probes) shoot almost the same thing on Mars (explicit evidence of life on this planet), then it is possible with to state with confidence: Mars was and, perhaps, is still inhabited. Orthodox scholars, of course, have a different opinion. These are just stones they said, although such a statement does not do them any honor: what is it not a skeleton – it is still necessary to prove, since it is too artsy for “just stones.”

A photo from open sources

Indirect confirmation of (that this is a skeleton, not a pile of stones), say UFO hunters and aliens, it also serves as the fact that as soon as this picture appeared in World Wide Web, Flying Saucers intensified. Quite perhaps they are reading information from us in this way, and namely: how much we learned about Mars, did we believe in the resulting photo material?

And although the assumption, frankly, is quite fantastic, it is interesting if only because it turns out aliens are watching us over the internet. Why not not?..

Mars Stones

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