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Flowing from far away …
The European Space Agency released images of the Martian region Prometheus (Promethei Terra Highlands), which clearly shows: once flowed here full-flowing river. Nowadays, a 1500-meter long channel remains from it. kilometers, a width of 7 kilometers and a depth of 300 meters. In line with traces of past flows are preserved, bottom sediments are noticeable.
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The Mars region along which the river flowed Photo: ESA
The river was named Reull Vallis. Her photo was transmitted to Earth by the Mars Express
When did it flow along Mars Reull Vallis? How long? To these questions no exact answers. It is possible that the river ran from the mountains to the plain at that distant time – about two billion years ago, when Mars had a warm and humid climate, there was a dense atmosphere.
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River bed Photo: ESA
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Terrain painted according to the relief Photo: ESA
Although, it is possible that Reull Vallis is not a river at all. And so a long and deep channel left a short-term stream, poured from a hill after it hit a large meteorite and melted a layer of ice on the surface. Or water leaked out which could be in liquid form under a layer of ice.
By the way, a few years ago – at the 39th conference of sciences about The moon and planets, which took place in Houston (USA, Texas), NASA scientists released sensational information about huge water supplies on Mars. Sharad radar data installed on the spacecraft Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), testified: the surface in the middle latitudes of the Red The planet is covered with a layer of ice several hundred meters thick. And ice this one is watery.
“There is no doubt,” asserted Jeff Plot, chief specialist for Sharad, – the nature of the reflection of the waves emitted by the radar, allows you to make an unambiguous conclusion. Water in the surveyed geological structures more than 50 percent.
– Water ice may be present under the sands of Mars in the area from one third to half of the entire surface, ”Joshua agreed Bandfield from the University of Arizona. – Depth – from a few meters to centimeters.
According to the scientist, these zones reflect heat rays differently. in summer, autumn, winter and spring. And show where the ice is closer and where further.
US data reinforce European data obtained with using the radar of the automatic station Mars-Express. They are testify: on Mars has its own Antarctica – a layer of ice on the South pole, the thickness of which reaches almost 4 kilometers. And 90 percent consists of frozen water.
– It seems that the North Pole also has not less reserves, – says the raft. – If you melt all the ice of Mars, then the water will cover planet with a layer of several tens of meters.
The largest lake in the solar system
NASA researchers prove: the largest Martian crater formerly filled with water and contained tens of millions of cubic kilometers. This giant lake – the largest in the solar system – located in the southern hemisphere of the red planet on the plain of Hellas (Hellas Planitia). The experts of the Institute came to this conclusion. planetology at NASA (Planetary Science Institute).
Dr. Leslie Bleamaster with colleagues analyzed layered deposits on the plain. And I realized that they accumulated as the mountains and cliffs surrounding the lake, gradually crawled into it and showered.
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Giant Martian Lake Photo: NASA
Moreover, in the images from orbit, some parts of the surface look as if covered with silt.
Hellas plain formed from the impact of a huge meteorite. Or even from a comet. The resulting crater is the largest known Solar system. Its diameter is 2 thousand kilometers. Depth – about 8 kilometers. And according to scientists, this whole reservoir was filled with water. That is, it contained several million cubic kilometers
The magnificent beaches of red sand
And what was Mars before its warm and humid climate changed to dry and cold? Planet of that distant time introduced and portrayed by British programmer Kevin Gill Kevin Gill using NASA information. He collected the pictures Martian surface, terrain data, connected one with another and using a computer, he “figured out” what this one would look like surface under favorable environmental conditions.
The simulation ultimately showed where the spread green plains, on which apple trees bloomed, where mountains stretched and deserts, and where – rivers, lakes and oceans with magnificent beaches red sand. After all, the water on Mars, as it turned out, was full.
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So Mars was in the distant past. Photo: Kevin Gill
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The Other Side of Ancient Mars Photo: Kevin Gill
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Such Mars is now – without seas and Martians. Photo: NASA
Gill’s opinion: Mars was very similar to Earth.
Water Time Climate Mars NASA Solar System