A photo from open sources
Scientists do not give up attempts and hopes to one day discover a new an exoplanet with the possibility of the origin of extraterrestrial life on it. But the irony is that for humanity still remain dark some aspects of planetary bodies in our own Solar system. But one such mystery was recently completely unraveled – scientists for the first time were able to fully describe in in the smallest details the surface of our neighbor with the Earth – Mercury. NASA Aerospace Agency uploaded a video collected from many images captured by the Messenger, an American automatic interplanetary station (AMS) for research Mercury launched back in 2004. To collect all the necessary It took the device two years to complete the data. Explaining the importance work done and pictures taken, Brett Denevi from Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory reports: “This is a great achievement for us – a long time alone half of the planet has always remained a mystery to us, but thanks “Messenger” we received a full description of Mercury, which will help we better understand the general processes that underwent planet as a result of its formation and development. ” Surely many of you after watching the video, they will notice the unusual blue “coloring” of the planet. But not hurry up with conclusions: just NASA put a special image on the image a filter that allows you to see the relief of the planet in the smallest details.
NASA Mercury