Monster planet of our solar system

The monster planet of our solar systemPhotos from open sources of

American astronomers have concluded that in our solar there is a monster planet in the system, and this is the gas giant Jupiter, which during the birth of new planets did his “black” business, thereby creating a unique planetary system unlike any another in our galaxy.

For example, in the SS there are no planets with short orbits, which, according to the logic of the structure of such stellar systems, should located between the Sun and Mercury. However at the stage the formation of these planets, according to US scientists, Jupiter by for some reason moved closer to the star, changing most orbits of incipient super-earths. For this reason, new the planets began to collide and crumble. A giant monster destroying them, under the influence of gravity of the nascent Saturn gradually moved to the current, relatively distant from Sun orbit.

From the resulting debris, super-lands then formed Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury. It is possible that American astronomers that the formation of the solar system is not completed, and the birth of new planets is an ongoing process of any stars, including our sun. Moreover, the behavior of such monster planets like Jupiter are just unpredictable …

A photo from open sources

By the way, we note that an international group of scientists recently determined that Jupiter is the oldest planet in our Solar system. This was released by a press release published on

Mercury Monsters Sun Solar System Jupiter

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