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American astronomers discovered as a result of their new studies of stars whose estimates are estimated to exceed age of the universe.
The life span of any massive gas ball in space depends on two properties. The first is the mass of the star, and the second is its metallicity, that is, the relative concentration in the celestial body of elements is heavier than hydrogen and helium. If you believe scientists, the Big Bang occurred 13.8 billion years ago, however now it turned out that in the universe there are stars of the age of the order 14.4 billion years. How is this possible?
Scientists suggest that the age of the universe could be calculated wrong, and in fact it is much more. His, as you know, determined by analyzing the lack of temperature and density in microwave background, galaxy evolution, space expansion speed and clustering of stars. However, with all these calculations, the inaccuracy in determining the age of all things is not more than 100 million years. Then maybe the age of these too old stars?
A photo from open sources
The most mysterious object for astronomers is sub-giant star HD 140283 in the constellation Libra, also known as Star of Methuselah. It is located approximately 190 light years from us, making it relatively easy to learn. According to experts, the age of this gas ball is about 14.5 billion years old. Scientists suggest that she could be born with a higher mass or absorb any material distorting the calculations of her age.
So, what is older: the Universe or the subgiant star HD 140283? The question remains open, just like with a chicken and an egg …