A photo from open sources
According to scientists, for one billion years on Venus the climate was quite stable, and then events occurred that significantly changed the planet.
To find out, scientists resorted to mathematical modeling, which showed that Venus most of its existence was covered with water and had moderate stable climate. According to scientists, such climatic stability on Venus could last up to 3 billion years.
The most probable scenario was considered, when the deepest oceans reached 310 meters and smaller ones – up to 10 meters, the temperature in which ranged from 20 to 40 degrees Celsius. Scientists do not exclude that the ocean could completely cover the whole the planet.
According to researchers, 700 million years ago, moderate the planet’s climate changed dramatically to very hot and toxic. The experts believe that the cause of these changes was a powerful volcanic activity on the planet. The magma coming to the surface hardened, blocking the absorption of carbon dioxide by rock.
According to scientists, if their mathematical model is correct and consistent with the real history of Venus, it can be assumed that planets of other stellar systems, with the same distance from the star, may have a temperate climate and contain liquid water.
Disputes over the presence of life on Venus periodically shake Network. For example, the so-called virtual archaeologists in photographs the surfaces of this planet (made by the Magellan probe) were discovered unusual objects (see photo). According to researchers, in the picture captured buildings unknown to anyone erected.
A photo from open sources
According to scientists, these are simply extinct vents of volcanoes in which magma froze in various forms. Other than that, for a life like ours, Venus is not at all suitable, since it is absent oxygen, and the ambient temperature is about 500 degrees Celsius. The atmospheric pressure of the planet is 92 times higher than the earth.
Nevertheless, scientists do not exclude that, after millions of years, Venus has a chance to become a planet suitable for biological life.
ESOREITER previously reported signs found on Venus biological life.
Andrey Vetrov
Venus Water Life Climate