Mysterious Triangle Discovered on Mars

MysteriousPhotos from open sources of

Virtual archaeologists found in the images of the surface of the Red planet mysterious triangular structure that immediately appeared im unusual. Specialists are convinced that this is a man-made building, erected by Martians or representatives of another extraterrestrial civilization.

Here is how its direct author comments on the find:

I have no doubt that Mars is located suspiciously straight triangle. It clearly does not fit into the landscape Red planet. This structure is located right in a large crater, and this again tells us that someone specifically built this building there. But why? Maybe it’s about alien spaceport? Or about their base? I think these NASA scientists, not enthusiasts like me, having almost no research resources. Or let the Russians figure it out. I think modern the one who will be the first to win the space race absolute proof of the existence of intelligent life on others the planets. And Mars in this regard is an excellent target for such tasks.

A photo from open sources

However, the triangle, as well as some artificial sphere near skeptics see him again, which other ufologists saw only by a para-idol illusion – they love this definition, which, although it does not really explain anything, but puts certain the dots and seem to close any “Martian theme” raised not by officials.


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