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NASA Kepler telescope discovered three planets, which in their physical characteristics can become a home for existence civilizations beyond Earth, CNN reports.
Two planets that are designated Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f, revolve around their star as part of a group of more three cosmic bodies. According to scientists, the most remote from luminaries – stars Kepler-62 – the planet is the most suitable a place for the existence of earthly life.
“Water in liquid form, theoretically, can exist on the surface of each of the planets, “the report says researchers. The presence of water in the form of a liquid, as well as commensurate with The size of the earth, which indicates a suitable gravity for a person, while are the key factors for the search.
In addition to the indicated attention of astronomers, Kepler-69c attracts which is also considered as a candidate for the presence of an alien of life. “All of these objects that we discovered have the maximum close to terrestrial characteristics of all previously observed, “- said Mission Officer Tom Barkley.
True, before the discovery of new methods of movement in space all discussions about these planets are purely theoretical character. The fact is that the star Kepler-62 is at a distance 1.2 thousand light years, and Kepler-69 more than 2.7 thousand light years years. One light year is approximately equal to 9.460 trillion km.
Water Life NASA