NASA experts presented a photocard “lunar Arctic “

NASA experts presented a photocardA photo from open sources

NASA specialists introduced the first interactive photo card “lunar Arctic” – the area around the moon’s north pole created from high-resolution images from the LRO probe, reports aerospace agency.

“Creating this giant mosaic took five years of work big team in the LRO project. Now we have practically unified card that will answer key scientific questions and find the best landing sites for future research, “said Mark Robinson, head of the LROC project (so called a high-resolution camera on board LRO) of University of Arizona.


Photos from open sources

© NASA Crater on the Moon

The card consists of 10.5 thousand pictures with a resolution of about 2 meters per pixel that cover an area of ​​about a quarter US territory. Website visitors can increase and move panorama, looking at the details of the surface. Some of the interesting The areas are represented on the scroll bar below where you can examine fresh craters, cracks, and ridges.

Photos from open sources

© NASA Crater on the Moon [Change-3 probe landing site and Yutu Chinese Lunokhod in the picture from the LRO probe]

Changye-3 probe landing site and the Chinese Yutu lunar rover in the image from the LRO probeA photo from open sources

© NASA / GSFC / Arizona State University NASA Probe Detected Chinese lunar rover. The whole image consists of 867 billion. pixels and weighs 3.3 terabytes. If you print it with 300 dpi standard resolution, it takes a whole football field.

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft was launched by NASA in June 2009. With it, scientists are looking for sources resources on the moon, in particular water. To date, the apparatus managed not only to examine the satellite of the Earth and find reserves on it water, open a variety of relief features, but also fix the most diverse space technology left here – from Ranger and Surveyor U.S. Landing Aids Soviet “Lunokhod-2”.

Photos from open sources

Water China Moon NASA

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