Photos from open sources of
Another evidence that American national space agency hides from ordinary people Earth is the truth about events in outer space. Ufologist, registered on the famous video hosting “YouTube” under by the pseudonym Ufonearsun , made a curious find when viewing in Hubble telescope Images.
A virtual archaeologist discovered in one of the photographs black a rectangle that hides a mysterious space object with a perfectly distinguishable rainbow halo. It is worth noting that Hubble Observatory located in Earth orbit high expansion, which any user can see The Internet. Because it is doubly strange that NASA decided to “gloss over” image that can be accessed by more than forty percent of earthlings. According to the ufologist, sooner or later someone I would definitely notice this strange artifact and suspect wrong.
Ufonearsun reports that in a regular photograph of a starry sky this rectangle is almost impossible to see. Nonetheless, it becomes clearly visible when viewed in infrared spectrum. By turning on the video below, you You can see all the specialist manipulations with the image. The black the artifact is relatively flat and looks exclusively like retouch trail. The ufologist is convinced that this cannot be a glitch in the work of a telescope or a Google Sky server – it’s about purposefully hiding parts of the picture.
It’s hard to say what exactly they wanted to hide from the eyes World Wide Web users NASA censors. Ufonearsunassumes the rectangle hides the legendary planet Nibiru, also known as Planet X. It is believed that this a mysterious heavenly body travels through the universe and into the present moment is steadily approaching the Earth. According to many space scientists, Nibiru enters the solar system once every 3600 years old and can easily destroy our planet, passing between Mars and Jupiter.
Direct evidence of the existence of the planet Nibiru as considered until absent. Representatives of official sciences say they will consider Planet X an invention as long as it cannot be captured on telescopes. However, suddenly it’s already happened, and American scientists quickly classified sensational information? After all, NASA employees have been thousands of times convicted of lying and hiding the truth.
Ancient NASA Artifacts Nibiru Telescope