A photo NASA successfully launched into space from open sources meteorological apparatus Soil Moisture Active Passive, which in the next three years will predict the weather and impending natural disasters, thereby helping meteorological services and workers US agriculture.
Launched in California from Vandenberg Air Force Base, in orbit the device brought out the Delta II launch vehicle. However, not this information, and not even the reason why the launch of this satellite was delayed several times, the Americans were interested, and the price of the project, which close to a billion dollars (more precisely – 915 million).
U.S. citizens have already lost their illusions about space and with some jealousy and anxiety look at how leadership countries spends their money (received from taxes) for maintenance an expensive NASA agency. According to incomprehensible information Americans seriously believe that the content of NASA takes a quarter US national income (as the survey showed). In fact the department could never even dream of such state infusions, and for a long time existed mainly on donations citizens.
Even in the best of times for NASA’s space race maximally (once) a little more than 4 percent of national income, basically – no more than 0.5 percent. On the 2015, note, this figure in the planned aspect is defined as 0.4 percent.