A photo from open sources
If you are not a cosmosceptic, then for sure understand how important for our race the issue of relocation to other planets. It’s no secret that at the current pace humanity will surely ditch its own “blue ball “, and the only option would be the colonization of distant celestial bodies outside the solar system since in our SS there are simply no suitable planets for humanity. But NASA astronomers discovered in 2016 a single star TRAPPIST-1 in the constellation Aquarius around which 7 exoplanets revolve, i.e. theoretically suitable for life on earth.
For almost 2 years, scientists of the American national space agencies are continuously exploring these planets. Now the experts made an amazing statement saying that open heavenly bodies are very similar to our Earth, and man in actually could live there. Of course, TRAPPIST-1 is located far away – 39.5 light years from us, and we still have to learn to overcome such enormous space distances, however, there is hope now. Today, TRAPPIST-1 is the most detailed planetary system – of course, after Solar system.
Using telescopes, NASA scientists studied the composition of distant exoplanets and determined that those, like Earth, are made up of solid breed. But the most amazing thing was that the mass of some of of these astronomical objects is 5% water. It means, which on average on one such planet can have 250 times more life-giving moisture than on Earth. Unfortunately, researchers haven’t yet they can tell if the atmosphere is suitable for breathing there. Is known only that in the atmosphere of some exoplanets there are not too many hydrogen. According to scientists, this is good news because the excess hydrogen leads to a greenhouse effect.
NASA Colonization Exoplanet Solar System