A photo from open sources
A mysterious celestial body unexpectedly sailed past NASA’s camera, watching the sun.
American-owned Solar Dynamics Observatory National Space Agency, filmed our star in ultraviolet spectrum, when part of the star was briefly hidden a huge dark astronomical object, suspiciously like a planet. Naturally, scientists hastened to find what happened rational explanation.
According to NASA representatives, in the ultraviolet lens The camera hit the famous moon. Say, the trajectory of movement Selena passed between the space observatory and the sun, thanks what the natural satellite of the Earth overshadowed for a short time the upper part of the star. It happened last Thursday, October 19th, between 8:41 a.m. and 9:25 p.m. CET. In the video below, you can see this curious accelerated process.
What is this mysterious planet?
However, many ufologists and alternative researchers refuse to believe that it was just the moon. Oh it looks too large on the roller, and NASA would not have become to shoot the sun when Selene was destined to 45 minutes wedge into the frame, because there are still not first-graders work, and experienced astronomers, doctors. Foresee this it was easy in advance. For this reason, many independent researchers believe that this is a legendary Nibiru.
It turns out, according to their assumptions, the deadly Planet X is already entered our solar system? Maybe that’s why our Earth is so shaking lately? On the other hand, Nibiru must arrange, as conspiracy theorists have written, at least planetary disasters, for the most part – generally lead to our Apocalypse civilization. So far this has not been observed, but because the question is, what managed to remove NASA employees against the background of the Sun, remains open. It is possible that this is just an even more mysterious planet Gloria – a copy of our Earth, which, apparently, is generally located in another dimension. But apparently, sometimes her face can be seen – his “shows” our omnipotent luminary …
NASA Moon Time Nibiru Sun