NASA revealed the Antichrist

“Coming” managed to photograph when the Antichrist flew near the earth

There were two Antichrists

NASA unveils images of asteroid 2014 HQ124, with which the Earth safely missed on June 8, 2014. Object named for some reason, the specialists of the American space agency The Antichrist (The Beast) or the Beast, flew in 1 million 250 thousands of kilometers from our planet. That is, as much as possible drawing closer, he was about three times farther than the moon.

2014A photo from open sources

Photo: NASA. 2014 HQ124 Asteroid Flight Path: Antichrist was close

Radar Images of the AntichristPhotos from open sources of

Photo: NASA. Radar Images of the Antichrist

There were no chances that the asteroid would collide with the Earth, – stated Don Yeomans – one of the program managers near-Earth objects search Laboratory jet propulsion in Pasadena (NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California) back in April 2014 – when the block was just discovered. And I was not mistaken.

The observations now carried out have allowed to execute in some sense of the biblical covenant: “count the number of the Beast.” NASA considered it already several numbers. Asteroid speed is defined at 50,400 kilometers in hour. The length along the long axis is 400 meters, along the short – 200 meters.

Total NASA experts – Marina Brozovich and Lance Benner (Marina Brozovic and Lance Benner) – got 21 consecutive shots Antichrist, which allowed to establish: he rotates slightly, making one revolution per day. And it looks like 2014 HQ124 has two adjoining blocks. That is, the Antichrist – two. Fly a couple.

The asteroid was filmed for about 4 hours – after it had already passed our planet. At the beginning of the shooting, the Antichrist was in 1 million 390 thousand kilometers from the Earth, at the end – in 1 million 450 thousand. Experts claim that the received radar images are the most clear of all that worked out before. Because for the shooting were used several radio telescopes at once. What increased resolution of the equipment. As a result, the details became visible 3.75 meters long.

How and why the idea arose to give a not-so-terrible asteroid such a strange name – Antichrist, NASA does not explain. Can maybe some secret is hidden here? Maybe experts expect “second coming” in the future – even if very far away, when Will the threat of a collision with our planet become real?

What to expect from such antichrist?

According to the current classification, the asteroid 2014 HQ124 refers to potentially hazardous asteroid categories -PHA). That is, those whose diameter exceeds 140 meters, and trajectory goes closer than 7.4 million kilometers from orbit Of the earth. Already 1484 of them have been discovered.

Among the detected RNA, there seem to be no asteroids, directly aimed at our planet. But scientists, just in case, calculate what will happen if any of the blocks nevertheless falls.

And chunks the size of the Antichrist, according to statistics, fall, approximately, every 10 thousand years. And according to some reports, and once every 6 thousand years.

At one time, Norwegian scientists led by Galen Giesler ( Galen Gisler) from the University of oslo found out what wave height does a 300-400-meter block lift, falling into the ocean from at a speed of 18 kilometers per second.

The worst thing about an asteroid falling into the ocean is the spray.A photo from open sources

The worst thing about an asteroid falling into the ocean is spray. Photo: University of Oslo

Mathematicians used the latest program, which was originally was intended for computer simulation of nuclear explosions. And with its help we simulated a catastrophe, taking the depth of the ocean at 5 kilometers.

The study showed: there is no global cataclysm from the tsunami will be. In the immediate vicinity of the crash site, of course, Monstrous waves will appear – several hundred meters in height. But such water mountains will quickly collapse. Already 30 kilometers from the epicenter of the wave will rush over 60-meter-high walls. And in a thousand kilometers, their height will not exceed 10 meters.

Steve Chesley of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena) and Steve Ward from University of California at Santa Cruz) identified: wave energy from the fall of a 300-meter asteroid will be 300 times higher than during the disastrous Asian 2004 tsunami.

However, scientists are reassuring: the tsunamis from the asteroid are not the ones occur during earthquakes. They have a shorter wavelength, times four shorter periods following the waves themselves. And, as a result, less ability to penetrate into the land.

Although, if an asteroid falls close to a densely populated coast, then the waves of 30 meters of commercials will be enough to cause large-scale destruction. Worse yet, hurricane winds of unprecedented power caused by air shock wave and splashes raised into the atmosphere.

Galen is scared that the spray from the fall of the asteroid will soar by 20 kilometers. But they will rush not only up, but also in the transverse direction at a speed of 300 meters per second, sweeping everything at your way.

And if the Antichrist falls to land? NASA estimates power the explosion will be 2,000 megatons. It will be tens of thousands of times stronger than the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. Something like an explosion hydrogen bomb. Nothing from a major metropolis will stay.


Russian Antichrists are not afraid

Back in 2007, the British scientist Nick Bailey from University of Southampton calculated damage from the fall of asteroids across, as in the Antichrist. AND identified the most vulnerable countries. Nick is one of the authors software for the NEOimpactor program, which and allows you to do similar calculations based on near-Earth data facilities collected by NASA.

So, the computer issued a dozen countries, destruction and sacrifice in which will be terrifying. Maybe such that these countries and will not recover at all.

Worst of all will be China, Indonesia, India, Japan and the United States. Further followed by the Philippines, Italy, Britain, Brazil and Nigeria.

Russia, fortunately, is not included in the “top 10 slaughter”. Obviously in the strength of their vastness, backwardness and sparsely populated individual regions. In some places, in the sense of development, nothing has changed since since the fall of the Tunguska meteorite in 1908. Fell and what? Nothing even destroyed. He didn’t kill anyone. Although it became an event global scale.

And the Chebarkul meteorite exploded over Chelyabinsk, only scared.

Places are the most vulnerable to people (according to Nick Bailey). The redder, the more victims from the fall of the asteroidA photo from open sources

Places are the most vulnerable to people (according to Nick Bailey). The redder the more victims from the fall of the asteroid

Photo: University of Southampton

The greatest damage to infrastructurePhotos from open sources of

The greatest damage to infrastructure Photo: University of Southampton

NASA Earthquake Time Russia

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