NASA satellite “saw” a mysterious planet Rahu?

NASA SatellitePhoto from open sources

As you know, in the framework of the SOHO program, the American satellite space agency LASCO C3 constantly monitors The sun, periodically presenting “gifts” to ufologists in the form of “flying unidentified objects” near our star.

However, one of these days the satellite’s camera “caught” something even more strange – an area of ​​mysterious darkness near the Sun in the form of a giant dark sphere. Independent space explorers immediately remembered the “black sun of Rahu” which, according to ancient Indian knowledge, is the great dark planet of our solar system, existing on an invisible subtle plane, however periodically manifesting in real physical space, causing an eclipse (turbidity) of the sun.

A photo from open sources

We don’t know where the ancient civilizations got such knowledge, most likely from their “gods,” who in fact, they say many independent researchers and ufologists were aliens from space or other parallel worlds (perhaps even from the future). Supporters of the theory of a world conspiracy are sure that the ruling world the elite is well aware of Rahu, but keeps it secret from the general public, like many other knowledge that may turn over not only our idea of ​​this world, but the world itself generally. Indeed, in the Universe (and puppeteers are well aware of this) no nothing more valuable and effective than information.

According to the astronomy of the Indian Vedas, which is considered not only the most ancient, but also the most accurate, Rahu is one of nanograch planets. Rahu and Ketu seem to complement the existing the planets of our solar system, performing certain an astrological role that we are not yet destined to understand. Not in telescope, not to the naked eye to see these nanograys impossible, but their influence has been known to astronomers since ancient times. For example, stargazers of the Middle Ages fixed them along with then invisible and therefore unknown planets Neptune and Uranus.

Is a dark area in the area of ​​the sun that recorded the satellite camera LASCO C3, the mysterious planet Rahu, a moot point. This is more like the suggestion of lovers “mysterious cosmos.” But then another question arises – what is it? this, because the camera, as we know, takes everything that it “sees” – objectively and impartially?

Moreover, according to the conspiracy theorists, we live just in the period when, according to the Indian Vedas, the influence of dark nanograys the greatest, why their manifestation on the material plane should become more frequent. It is surprising that the satellite LASCO C3 removed the mysterious the dark sphere almost immediately after real solar eclipse, which is most fully observed by residents of the United States. Of course it is practically does not explain anything, however, makes think about it …

NASA Eclipse Sun Solar System

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