NASA selected astronauts to fly on Mars

NASA has selected astronauts to fly to MarsA photo from open sources

The American space agency selected eight people in team for deep space exploration. List of candidates for conquerors of Mars was published on the official website of NASA. IN The team included scientists and military personnel aged 34 to 39, half of them are women.

Candidates were singled out from a huge number of applicants – during the selection, the agency received more than six thousand applications for participation in the program.

“So many comers are explained by the fact that now we are busy big deal, in it we will go further than ever. And we ready to help humanity step on the next asteroids and then and to Mars, ”said NASA administrator Charles Bolden.

The final list of astronauts who will be exploring asteroids and the Red Planet, hit the former US Air Force pilot, 39-year-old physicist Josh Kassada, 37-year-old African American pilot Victor Glover, and his peers – Pentagon employee test pilot Tyler Nick Haig and MD and military officer Andrew Morgan. Also the fair sex representatives took part in the mission – Oceanologist Christina Hammock, test pilot Ann McClain, Harvard University School of Medicine student Jessica Meir and Nicole Mann, who serves in naval aviation.

A man’s foot has stepped on only one celestial object – a satellite Earth, the moon. Space Agency specialists have long been working on a project for further space exploration, for this they even combined with private companies. So, in creating a database of modern space research conducted in nongovernmental organizations, nasa helps company on space tourism Bigelow Aerospace.

Also, since the beginning of the year, the non-profit company Mars One has been conducting selection of volunteers for the colonization of Mars. The desire to get a ticket for The red planet, although it will be “one way,” expressed dozens thousand candidates. By 2015, 24 people will be selected, which will be held all necessary training before the flight. Expected he will be held on April 22, 2023.


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