NASA telescope discovered in space hand Of God

Not. Do not think, this is not a snapshot of the hand of God from an X-ray room. a doctor. In fact, this is a cloud formed as a result of bang stars. A NASA spacecraft “NuSTAR”, having high-energy structure of the displayed x-rays, recorded this amazing event not only in familiar to us green and red colors, but also in blue shades. Photos from open sources

And although religion and astronomy do not tolerate close proximity, this the x-ray image in its shape really resembles “the hand of God.” The space photo of the “hand of God” was captured in the moment of a star’s explosion when it was thrown into outer space a huge cloud of its material, and nuclear spectroscopic the NuSTAR telescope caught this unique phenomenon in high-energy x-rays. Unique is that this telescope shows already perfectly studied by us space objects and areas in a completely different light. New look depicting a pulsar nebula produced by high the density of the remnants of a star (which degenerates into a supernova), is an amazing sight. We see firsthand how a pulsar called the B1509, rotates, makes more than 7 revolutions per second and throws its particles into space at the time of the dying the agony of the star. And since these particles interact with adjacent magnetic fields, they produce X-ray glow, visible to us in the form of a huge hand. However, in fact, scientists are not completely sure whether the discarded the substance of a “dying” star, the shape of a hand or such an amazing an illusion is created by its interaction with particles of the pulsar itself. Perhaps the “hand” is just an optical illusion, or is it still sign from above? Astronomers believe that the red cloud at the tips fingers “hands” is a completely separate structure called RCW 89. And the wind of the pulsar that heats this cloud is just produces a low-energy x-ray glow. Maybe, the “hand of God” is an example of a psychological phenomenon when the human brain sees familiar forms in vague or random images. For example, when in the clouds we guess the silhouettes of animals or faces.

NASA Telescope

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