NASA: the great concealment of cities that are visible on Mars?

A photo from open sources

We have the opportunity to see Mars as NASA does not want so we see.

In this video, prepared by David Vose, we have the opportunity to see Mars as NASA does not want us have seen. Vosey claims that this video is not a joke at all, and that in it, it basically “cleanses” the opacity and restores images of planet Mars that NASA released to familiarize the general public. The author wants to show us what it all really looks like.

People dreamed of living on Mars when they realized that Mars was a planet, not a star. Religion has always put such an idea outlaw. And so it went on throughout the history of man, such conversations became “heresy”, statements about life in outer space punished with imprisonment, but in more later times, such conversations began to be punished with ridicule peers.

Vosey claims in this video that there really is Mars life, and confirms what the great American writer wrote about Ray Bradbury in his works, such as, for example, The Martian Chronicles and in his storybook entitled “Illustrated Man.” “Many Bradbury contemporaries reading his stories (around the 1950s) believed that such a thing could to be in reality. But when space travel became reality in the same decade with the advent of the first artificial Earth satellite and then when a man landed on The moon, in the next decade, July 20, 1969, many began to believe that since we did not find life in space, there it never it can not be.

MarsNASA1Photos from open sources

Watch this video and pay special attention to what indicates Vose. And you may agree that this is a mistake – consider that we are alone in the universe. And even in our solar system. And that in fact there are cities and highways with bridges just on the next planet from us.

MarsPhotos from open sources

Is it possible to trust David Vose and not believe what he says NASA? Everyone can answer this question himself. But literally a few days ago the american space agency was caught falsifying or beating images while flying Comet ISON in the atmosphere of the sun. NASA also claimed death comets while she was “alive.”

NASA Mars Life Time

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