NASA will catch an asteroid with a glass

Astronomers charted three space objects, the most suitable for towing to the earth

NASA will catch an asteroid with a glassA photo from open sources

NASA experts have outlined three asteroids, among which will be in 2014 look for the most suitable to capture and tow to Earth, reports Space. Scientists plan to capture an asteroid at help of a special “glass”. This is the most difficult stage of the operation. will be performed in automatic mode: operational management impossible, since the distance to the Earth will be too great. TO For example, to the orbit of Mars, radio signals last about 20 minutes. To earth a tug with an asteroid will fly in three years and will be on the lunar orbit where it will be possible to send Orion with astronauts to collect samples and detailed study of the cosmic body. Earlier astronomers have found 14 asteroids that can be done in a few years deliver to Earth using a special tug, after more a thorough study of their number was reduced to three. In August NASA experts have compiled the most accurate map of asteroids that threaten the earth. In total, it included 1400 space objects, which will fly in the immediate vicinity of our planets and can lead to serious disasters. However, experts say that in the next 100 years you don’t have to worry, but “enjoy the beauty of impending doom.” Mostly in the list turned out to be those objects that are now approximately in 4.7 million miles from Earth (that’s about 7.5 million km, or nearly 20 distances from the earth to the moon). In case of collision of any of the data asteroids with the Earth inevitable strong earthquakes or tsunamis (at hit of a space object in the ocean), writes Gizmodo. Diameter asteroids from the table exceeds 100 m. Previously, scientists said that found in the near-Earth space another, ten thousandth in account, an asteroid, which, theoretically, in the future will be able poses a danger to our planet. Also recently in asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter was found “comet cemetery”, which, as expected, can arrange a real chaos in the solar system.


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