A photo from open sources
US National Space Agency Leadership plans to ship its next rover to Mars in July 2020 of the year.
An advanced robot is still in production and technical refinement, however, NASA representatives are trying as it is possible to inform the world community about their progress more often. It is already known that this rover will be a real work engineering and will be crammed to the eyeballs the most innovative equipment.
The creation of the apparatus is carried out by specialists from the California Jet Propulsion Laboratory. While the device is wearing codenamed “Mars 2020”, however developers intend to to come up with a more friendly name for him in the future. Like him predecessors, this rover will travel across the surface of Red planets in search of extraterrestrial life, explore the atmosphere and soil, fix various phenomena. Conspirologists argue that the main task of the robot will be tracking the Martians and aliens, whose presence on Mars NASA has known for a very long time, however Americans are unlikely to confirm this officially.
A photo from open sources
“Mars 2020” has 23 different cameras, 9 of them will be serve for engineering tasks, 7 for scientific, and 7 more for tracking rover movement around the planet. So big the number of “eyes” allows the device to shoot panoramas incredibly high resolution, fix everything suspicious on Mars, in the smallest details to study the soil and detect any obstacles on his way.
World ufologists must be looking forward to the moment the American aeronautical agency begins upload the first snapshots of this mission to the web because quality the photo will be extremely high, and it will be possible to study them for a very long time. Naive expectations, conspiracy theorists sigh, NASA is now getting pictures of much better quality than those laid out in The network, not to mention retouching and other photo processing. Is it really a new rover can change something in this regard? ..
A photo from open sources
The new Martian rover will also be equipped with X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, microphone, ultraviolet spectrometer, radar installation and many others irreplaceable components. In addition, the appliance will be able to expel reconnaissance drone. Mars 2020, among other things, will try synthesize from carbon dioxide, which in huge quantities contained in the Martian atmosphere, oxygen. This is very important. an experiment, because if he is lucky, the chances of humanity colonize the Red Planet in the near future significantly will increase.
Mars NASA Robots