Network of mysterious tunnels on the moon

The network of mysterious tunnels on the moonPhotos from open sources of

According to recent data, under the surface of the moon is an extensive and a very extensive network of tunnels, and some of them reach a diameter of five or more kilometers.

These are the so-called “lava pipes” or volcanic caves, which are specially designed to accommodate permanent space bases on the moon. The fact is that on a space satellite Earth does not have such a protective screen as the atmosphere of our planet, but because astronauts will be unprotected from various influences space, if they remain on its surface.

And now, it seems, the question has been resolved how and where to hide on the moon, and places for placing bases and even entire cities on abundance of the Earth’s satellite.

Such an extensive network of lava caves proves that on the moon extreme from our earthly point of view constantly arise high temperature and powerful shock situations meteorites.

Ufologists notice that rejoicing at the presence of such a magnificent moon tunnel systems early as they may already be occupied numerous aliens (the theory that the moon is a transshipment base UFO), why we do not see them on the surface of our satellite.


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