New finds on Mars from virtual archaeologists

New finds on Mars from virtual archaeologistsPhoto from open sources

Ufologists, online archaeologists and other research enthusiasts, studying Mars based on photos sent from this planet Curiosity rover, again and again find confirmation on them one of the most daring theories of the once existence here highly developed civilization.

Now virtual archaeologists will find a concrete cube or, if not concrete, then made of similar artificial material. Cube of course, dilapidated, but it is difficult to confuse it with natural stones surrounding it.

Ancient buildings discovered on Mars

Another no less interesting find was part of some ancient the buildings. Of course, over the years it has become a semblance caves, however, looking closely, you can distinguish its man-made the details. Recall, last year, Mars researchers found here also bunkers, peculiar entrances to underground structures. Current the find, as it were, supplements that former, confirming – yes, it was Martian civilization, and possibly still there: entrances lead deep into the planet.

Mars explorers have gone even further – the so-called associates The clandestine gods who believe that the Vedic scriptures directly indicate the fact that our ancestors of the Gods populated the Red Planet long before of how intelligent life arose on Earth. In support of this they recently found on Mars half the face of a stone sculptures of those times, since such statues, they assure, there there were many. The second half of the giant head, according to researchers, buried in the ground, but it’s easy to “finish” – and before we face of the ancient God, of those who later colonized our the planet.

Technique on Mars

And finally, on Mars, online archaeologists have found a certain a metal part that illustrates their opinion that on this all kinds of technology once stood and moved on the planet, from which simply could not help but remain traces – and here they are.

NASA employees have not commented or even exposed for a long time such findings, believing that this only fuels interest in them with side of the public. However, they are deeply mistaken, because virtual archaeologists not only “dig” on the pictures of the rover something fantastic, they continue to incriminate on the basis of this American space agency in hiding key information about Mars. Indeed, why is NASA adjusting the color in the photo by doing for example, the Martian sky is frightening tan, although in fact Is it really the same blue as ours? ..


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