A photo from open sources
Energy Rocket and Space Corporation of Russia creates reusable manned ship – PTK, which will be capable to lift six astronauts and about half a ton of payload. Himself project to create new manned vehicles that will notice morally obsolete “Unions”, has the name “Federation”.
It will be launched into near-Earth orbit by the modern Federation-class FCT first the Angara-A5 rocket, and then the middle class carrier “Phoenix”. The new device will be used in the implementation of the first the turn of the lunar manned mission, which would complement programs to launch automatic stations “Luna-25”, “Luna-26”, “Moon-27.” In the future, a manned ship can be sent and to Mars – following the ExoMars mission, which is being carried out Russia together with ESA.
The new ship will be controlled using liquid crystal displays, an interesting innovation in it will be, for example, and unique space bathroom that will allow crew members dispense with diapers.
A photo from open sources
The manned spacecraft Federation will be reusable. For instance, they can fly to the moon 3 to 10 times depending on mission duration, and in near-Earth orbit – at least 10 times. Moreover, crews from 2 to 6 can travel on such a device person, and depending on this, the duration of the flight will be vary.
But the biggest advantage of the Russian manned The device will become its versatility. If American counterparts have a narrow specialization (Orion is designed for flights to the moon, Dragon – an orbiting vehicle for servicing space stations, and so on), the Federation will be capable of practically all.
A photo from open sources
In conclusion, I want to say that when choosing a new name manned ship, there was a lot of suggestion and even controversy. Most preferred seemed the name “Gagarin”, however, management of the corporation opted for a more rigorous, but a very “talking” name – “Federation”.
Moon Russia