Just the same terrestrial landscapes now and then photographs U.S. Cassini Interplanetary Station Saturn. In the region of the North Pole of Titan – a satellite of this planet, almost the size of our moon, scientists have made out many large lakes connected by canals. The surface of some stretched for a hundred s extra kilometers. The area is very reminiscent of Karelia, Finland or Canada. Photo from open sources of Lake Titan – as in Karelia Photo: NASA Near the South Pole of Titan, the probe photographed a lake named Ontario. And planetologists led by Thomas Cornet from the university Nantes saw in it the resemblance to the etosha Peng earth salt lake, located in namibia. They are not just similar in appearance. Both in the same way, they either fill up due to precipitation, then they dry up, evaporating. NASA recently unveiled new images taken a probe. A river is visible on them: a copy of the earth’s Nile. Although a little shorter. – Titanium – the only object in the solar system – after the Earth, of course, on the surface of which something constantly flows, – assures one of research leaders Jonathan Lunine from the University Arizona. But what flows there? After all, Saturn’s satellite is a world “shifted in temperature “relative to ours by 100, and in places by 200 degrees to minus. The real kingdom of the “Snow Queen”. Therefore, in rivers and lakes – not water at all. – Liquid flows over Titan hydrocarbons – a mixture of methane, ethane, propane, – explains the scientist. -They fill rivers and lakes and local seas. Local Nile, to for example, flows into the Kraken Mare Sea, which is larger Caspian, but smaller than the Mediterranean.
Photo from open sources
Nile on Titan Photo: NASA
Photo from Open Source Nile on Earth Photo: NASA
Recently managed to clarify: in a titanium liquid almost 80 percent ethane, about 10 percent methane and about 8 percent propane. The rest is butene, butane and acetylene. What is also liquefied natural gas. It seems that the largest in the solar system are concentrated on Titan its reserves. Such that no one dreamed of Gazprom. But where are they from taken, not known. Scientists have repeatedly stressed: external Titan’s resemblance to Earth is stunning. After all, besides the continents, The seas, rivers and lakes on the satellite have an atmosphere, clouds, fog. There it is raining. The weather is changing. And the fluid cycle is similar to the earth. And even molecules resembling amino acids, of which built proteins of terrestrial organisms. But is there life on Titan? Biologists answer evasively: we don’t yet know the creatures, capable of metabolism at a temperature of minus 180 degrees Celsius. REFERENCE “KP” He is the only such Titan – the most a major satellite of Saturn. Among the satellites in the solar system second only to Ganymede – the satellite of Jupiter. Titanium – larger than Mercury. And almost twice as heavy as our moon. Situated from Saturn about 3 times farther than the moon from Earth. therefore looks like a disk in Saturian sky half the size of the moon. Titanium is the only satellite in the solar system that has dense atmosphere.
Photo from open sources
Titanium is a little bigger than our moon Photo: NASA
Cassini probe mission in which NASA collaborates with European Space Agency and Italian Space Agency, extended until 2017. It ends with the probe being directed straight to Saturn. Before breaking, he must pass data on the atmosphere of a giant planet. Maybe something will succeed to photograph.
Photo from open sources
Titanium is the only satellite in the solar system that has dense atmosphere Photo: NASA
NASA Saturn Moon Solar System