Photos from open sources of
Could this be at all? Skeptics will answer, of course. negatively, but those who are sure that once on the Red Planet there was a civilization, and today aliens are based here, it’s quite sure that on Mars it’s not difficult to find and not that.
And they, these virtual explorers of the Red Planet, really constantly find something, thereby annoying NASA employees because they discover their incredible artifacts in photographs posted by American employees space agency free internet access.
Today, a Russian online archaeologist excelled in this matter. Vladimir Vladimirov. Studying the pretty old pictures sent rover “Opportunity” back in September 2015 (overview a panorama of photos), he noticed at the highest point Marathon Valley (Endeavor Crater) strange structure, very Standing out among the surrounding landscape and surprisingly similar to Earth tank of the middle of the last century.
A photo from open sources
It’s amazing, he wrote in the comments on his Martian find on a Facebook page, can’t it be proof that once upon a time there was highly developed civilization that died due to nuclear war?
Many Internet users agree with him, especially fans of games of tanks who saw in the picture and strong armor tank, and even in their imagination finished painting caterpillars to him, and next “placed” soldiers, covering themselves with armored shields.
Maybe all this is just childhood? However why then similar so many people in the world are doing virtual research even serious scientists? Maybe we have a genetic memory of the lost civilization of the Martians? After all, there is a theory that intelligent life on Earth “came” from the Red Planet and that we creatures are descendants of the Martians. It may well become …