Now on the moon they also found a wheel

Now on the moon they also found a wheelPhotos from open sources of

The indefatigable ufologist under the pseudonym George Graham, leading on YouTube hosting the popular channel Streetcap1, continues to search the presence of aliens on Earth and in outer space. Now he discovered a mysterious wheel on the moon.

It would be more accurate to say that George found this obviously man-made wheel on one of the moon’s pictures taken by mission astronauts Apollo 17 Ufologist discovered a dark circle, very reminiscent of the wheel we are familiar with, which in nature simply cannot be. Moreover, According to the researcher, this “wheel” casts a shadow, commensurate in the direction with the shadows of the craters of the moon. It is surprising and emphasizes Graham, that in previous photographs taken a minute earlier, this wheel is not.

Internet users have suggested that the “wheel” in the In fact, it could happen by accident in the form of a shooting defect, especially since those days, the camera was not as cool as it is now. Other users believe that this wheel once again proves that Americans did not fly anywhere and were never on the moon. Someone accidentally threw this wheel in the studio, and it got into the frame with imitation of the lunar surface.

We also suggest that you watch the video of George Graham, which was published a little earlier. On it a ufologist shows discovered in one of the pictures of the moon of a dead alien. However, most users of the World Wide Web never were able to understand from this find, therefore it is no coincidence that one of the users with Echidzei wrote that, apparently, you need to be a ufologist with great experience, to see here something similar to a humanoid, and the usual to man – this is not given.

If we take into account the fact that all the lunar missions of NASA were a hoax, then the search for anomalies and even more so traces aliens on lunar photographs of the american space agencies are turning into some kind of farce. Maybe NASA scientists all this was done on purpose and now they laugh at the naive ufologists like George Graham, Scott Waring and the like? ..

NASA Moon Scott Waring

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