On Jupiter spotted a giant “dolphin”

On Jupiter spotted a giantPhotos from open sources of

Representatives of the American National Space Agency reported that the automatic interplanetary station “Juno” flying in the orbit of Jupiter, received a very unusual picture of a gas giant. Scientists joke that there appeared the largest dolphin in The solar system, and even in the entire universe. Of course, this is about a fake dolphin. Just clouds above a distant celestial body formed a very clear silhouette of the terrestrial marine animal.

The shot with an amazing para-idol illusion was received on October 29 of this year, when “Juno” approached Jupiter at a distance of 18 thousand kilometers. Dolphin Length is several thousand kilometers. Of course, NASA is convinced that we are talking only about an atmospheric phenomenon that has taken such bizarre shape. The human brain, as many of us know, constantly recognizes familiar images in random objects, ornaments and textures.

Outlandish Jupiter clouds of water and ammonia ice have colossal sizes and volumes. Characteristic dark shade “dolphin” suggests that these clouds formed closer to surface of the gas giant. It is reported that in a distant atmosphere planets are often observed similar multilayer structures. But the dolphin turned out to be extremely unusual, and many users Networks can’t help feeling that this wasn’t just So.

Or maybe this is some kind of sign to us earthlings? According to one of the theories, all planets, stars, like the Universe itself – reasonable, and if so, why rational Jupiter cannot specifically “talk” to us with such images, “collecting” from the clouds amazing dolphin? Just what does all this mean? ..

Universe Dolphins Jupiter

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