On Mars plan to grow potatoes

They plan to grow potatoes on MarsPhotos from open sources of

Not so long ago went to the screens of world cinemas science fiction film “Martian”, which tells about American astronaut who, due to an accident, remained alone on the Red Planet and was forced for a long time engage in survival, waiting for salvation.

Fiction or not?

First of all, the main character of the tape breaks up a plot on Mars and begins to grow potatoes, which gave rise to many jokes like among ordinary viewers, and among scientists who watched this movie. But, as it may turn out in the near future, the film shows far less fiction than many thought.

American National Space Agency in conjunction with The International Potato Center decided to prove that growing potatoes on the Red Planet is still possible, and at the same time start preparing for farming in the far heaven the body. To do this, NASA experts will try to grow nutritious tubers in conditions close to Martian as much as it is possible.

Americans will use the badlands as much as possible similar to Martian. Similar land has already been found in a small Pampas de la Hoya desert in the south of the Republic of Peru. Scientists also intend to create an imitation of the atmosphere of Mars and climatic conditions on a distant planet. Despite poor soil quality, acceleration potato growth is expected to contribute to large volumes carbon dioxide, which is abundant on Mars.

A photo from open sources

The efforts of scientists will not be in vain

Undoubtedly, the main goal of the study will be to find out Is it possible to grow earthly plants on other planets. Not less if American specialists still fail to nurture potatoes in conditions simulating Mars, the results of their work can will find application on Earth. In particular, we probably find out how it will be possible to get large yields of valuable tuber in regions not intended for its cultivation. Other in short, this study may not be useful for future conquerors of the Red Planet, however earthly landowners in any case will receive some valuable information.

It is worth noting that several years ago, NASA was already trying find out if growing on Mars is possible. The program quickly closed due to lack of funding, however experts managed to determine that for the colonization of the Red Planet it is necessary to transport large volumes of soil fertilizers, which, to put it mildly, will fly a lot of money to earthlings.

Mars NASA Peru Plants

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