Photo from open sources
In one of the shots taken by the famous American rover Curiosity and published on NASA’s official website, virtual archaeologists have discovered fragments of sculpture with a female face.
According to the author of the find, the picture was taken from afar, and in addition, the fragments of the statue are located in the shadow of the rock, so they are not visible very well. Nevertheless, if you look closely, you can notice the head, as well as possibly the shoulders and part of the body mysterious sculpture.
Apparently, the amazing artifact is modest in size – just a couple of tens of centimeters in height. By including video below, you can see how a virtual archaeologist imposes various effects on the photo, trying to do The image of the sculpture is clearer. And he really it turns out to show the viewer long hair, eyes, a mouth, nose and sharp chin of a female face. The ufologist suggests that this maybe a statue not of a woman, but of a young man, although nevertheless he is leaning towards the view that the face of the statue is more like the face of the representative fair sex.
It is noteworthy that researchers had previously found on Krasnaya supposed sculptures to the planet, but those statues are incomprehensible the reason always portrayed men. Now, apparently, the first statue depicting a woman (with the exception of except for the “walking Martian,” although her ufologists do not even rank her sculptural sculptures, and a living humanoid). Possibly a sculpture molded of clay or carved from stone.
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to say for sure, but to fly and check everything man is not yet able to find his Martian finds. Yes and not a fact that unknown alien sculptors will let us on their planet. After all, they didn’t allow the Schiaparelli module to land on Mars. AND although experts from the European Space Agency explain this accident completely objective (or subjective-earthly) reasons, virtual archaeologists remain unconvinced, especially as the wreckage of the crippled Schiaparelli apparatus in a mysterious way move on the surface of a “lifeless planet”, as if their someone is carefully studying …
Mars Sculptures